Chapter 27: "Nothing Without You"

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Sunday, February 24th

It's nothing. It's nothing. I'm always overreacting over the smallest things and blowing them out of proportion. This is just like that. I'm the problem here, not Connor.

But he hasn't texted me today. And he barely texted me yesterday. And something about him seemed weird Friday. He was quiet, and focused on his work. Which is a objectively a good thing, but I don't know.

I should talk to him about it. That's what communication is right? But Connor might feel cornered or defensive or something.

I don't even necessarily want to know what's wrong. I just want to know that he's okay. Maybe I can just ask him to go over?

I grab my phone off my desk and send the text before deciding it's a bad idea.

Me: Can I come over? My mom isn't home

He responds immediately.

Connor<3: pretty sure that last part is my line

Me: Please?

Connor<3: yeah, just wait like 3 minutes

Me: Okay

Now I just need a ride over. And I know who I have to ask. I just don't want to.

Me: Can you drive me over to Connor's house?

J: why am i involved in your booty call

Me: He seems busy but he said I could come over

J: yu can drive

Me: Mom has the car

J: fine

J: but you're paying for gas money

Me: No I'm not

J: be there in a few

J: send me his address

Something bad is crawling around my brain, like a centipede through the dirt. I have a phantom bother. I've completed all my schoolwork, so that can't be it. But I feel incomplete. I'm missing something.

Carefully sliding my shoes on, I inspect the house for anything I forgot to do. It can't just be nothing, right? There's got to be a reason I'm on edge.

But then my phone buzzes with a text from Jared and I have to leave. I feel like there's a heart underneath the floorboards that I only can hear. The front door closes, but it doesn't block out the beating. I'm going to go insane.

"Please wait until I'm gone to start humping," Jared calls from the car, passenger window already open.

"You're gross," I say, climbing into the seat and slamming it closed over his next comment.

"But will you?" he asks.

"We're not going to have sex so it doesn't matter."

"I'm holding you to it. I don't have time in my schedule to bleach my eyes today." I roll my eyes. It's not Jared's fault I'm on edge, but it is his fault that he never shuts the fuck up or knows when to stop.

"Haha," I say dryly.

Connor's house is just far enough that I can't walk, so the drive takes no more than 5 minutes.

"Thanks for the ride," I say when we roll to a stop outside the Murphy house.

"I'd say anytime but I really don't want you to do this anytime. Like once a month at best," Jared comments, and I don't even feel like glaring at him.

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind - TreebrosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz