Chapter 24

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"What about this?" Ren holds up a pair of black and grey boxing gloves for me to see.

"No it looks like the ones he already has." I say.

      I never thought finding a gift for Marshall would be so hard to do. He's very straightforward about what he likes and dislikes. However, when it's important both of us blank on what to do. Ren and I have been at this for nearly 3 hours while he's been at training. We still haven't found anything.

"Okay we know you don't want to get him clothes." She says. "No boxing stuff, no car stuff, nothing too generic..."

"He said not to get him anything." I inform her. "But I can't do that. What are you getting Tony?"

"Oh I got him boxing gloves." She laughs. "That's what he asked for."


"Hey why don't you make Marshall something?" Ren suggests, scrolling on her phone. "This site says to make a playlist."

"You mean like a mixed tape?" I laugh. "That's very old fashioned don't you think?"

"Mixed tapes are priceless." She says with seriousness. "Trust me he'll love it. It doesn't cost much and you made it."

      I ponder this "mixed tape" idea for a minute. He would like it. Once again Ren is right. But now I have to think of at least 10 songs to put on it. Shit what does he like? I can never think of these things.

"I have to have it done in two days." I shake my head. "I don't even know where to start."

"I'll help you." She grins at me. "I have blank CDs at my place and I can burn it for you. Just make the track list and leave it all to me."

"Thank you so much Ren." I smile back, hugging her.

      Its good to have her as a friend. Its a nice break away from all of Marshall's friends. It's not that I don't like them it's just that they're so loud and manly. Too much testosterone in one place. God knows there's enough of that at home.


      Ren dropped of the finalized copy of the CD earlier today. I feel pretty confident about it and I asked Rule to give it a once over. After gaining his approval, Ren burned the 10 tracks to the CD. It's mostly composed of classic songs I know he loves and a couple that remind me of him. I could fill a book with things that remind me of Marshall.

      He'll be home any minute. I take a small piece of paper and list all the songs on it in order and stick it in the CD case. Its a good way to keep track of them. I think it's a pretty solid list. Rule seemed to like it a lot. I place the paper inside the case and hide it deep in the closet where he'll never find it. I finish just in time, hearing his key twist in the lock.  I come back out into the living room and a sweaty Marshall shoves through the door. He drops his bag next to the door and closes it behind him. We make eye contact and I can tell he's worn out. Whatever he did today, it's more than usual. Marshall trudges over to me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask with concern.

      Marshall lifts his head and kisses my neck twice. After that he pulls me in at the waist against his body that's damp with sweat.

"Shower with me?" He asks in an innocent way, brushing my hair out of my face with his palm.

      I nod gently and Marshall takes me by the hand, pulling me to the bathroom. He turns the water on and pulls his shirt over his head. I take mine off too, discarding it on the floor beside me. Suddenly his hands are at my hips undoing the button of my jeans. I hold his shoulders while he pulls them down and I step out. Marshall then turns around to test the water and I take off my underwear. When he turns back, his lips curl into a smile as he takes me in. I'm immediately flushed with self consciousness. Goosebumps litter my body under his gaze and he laughs once.

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