Chapter 13

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I cling to Marshall's arm while we walk down the vacated street towards a small restaurant. The cold wind bites at my cheeks as we walk. His hands are secured in his pockets leaving me to hold on to his elbow and bicep. The black jeans and hoodie I have on won't stand against this wind. Marshall looks content in his black leather jacket and t shirt. We walk in silence, passing many local shops that are closed up. It's late. We walk into the restaurant. It's very small, maybe five tables in the whole thing. It's the only thing open at this hour. The inside is filled with people probably looking for shelter from the cold. We eat in silence, sitting at a table near the window. There's tension between us and his expression is impossible to read. He's slumped back in his chair, sipping his beer and observing me.

"Ask me." He says.

"What?" I look up from the table and meet his eyes.

"Go on." He sits up straight placing the bottle on the table. "Ask me what you've been dying to ask me. Ask where I've been."

"Okay. Where have you been?" I sigh, awaiting his half assed answer.

"I'll show you." He agrees. "But you can't demand to come with me. Or try to stop me. Understand?"

"Marshall that isn't fair at all." I contradict, leaning in also. "I'm worried about you."

He's silent. He tosses a $20 bill on the table and hauls me out of my seat. He guides the two of us further down the road and I cling to his arm again. We're crossing over into the really unsafe part of Detroit. We pass a group of men singing as they lean up against the side of a brick building. They don't bother me. The unsafeness doesn't bother me until Marshall removes his hand from his pocket and laces our fingers. He's going into protective mode. Like how he was at Nate's party and at Relapse. We walk fast towards a bar with the name "Infinite" in neon blue lettering. He shoves through the doors. There's many groups of men stationed amongst the walls of the bar.

He walks us both to the back. His arm moves from my hand to my waist, holding me tightly against his body. I am stared at by many of the people in the bar making me very self conscious. We walk to the back to where the bar is and a man with jet black hair and scruff to match turns around. His eyes are a piercing green. His muscles are bursting out of his t shirt. He's possibly the largest man I've ever seen. I watch the glass he's drying in his hands, fascinated that it hasn't broken under the strength his hands must have.

"What'll it be?" He asks, his voice deep and low.

"I'll have an 8 mile." Marshall answers.

The man's facial expression softens and he sets the glass down.

"Her too?" He asks, pointing at me.

Marshall nods. The man walks down a hallway behind the bar and gestures for us to follow. He takes us to a staircase that leads down into what I assume is the basement.

"Be careful down there." He warns. "Rule doesn't like strangers."

I follow Marshall down the stairs. He knows where he's going. He's been here before. We turn down many halls and through one last door, is what I had expected. One big boxing ring, surrounded by dedicated fans who clench money in their fists, screaming at the cage. These people are like animals, rattling the cages and screaming vulgar things at the fighters. Marshall takes my hand, leading me away from the ring. There's a box office where tickets are sold towards the back half of the small arena. He leads us there and knocks on the door. A man opens it up. He's stunningly gorgeous with sandy blonde hair and green eyes. Jeez do you have to be gorgeous to work here? His arms are coated in tattoos. I can see more poking out of his shirt collar indicating he has some on his neck.

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