Chapter 10 (part 2)

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Emmett and I have been playing for a straight two hours now. Everyone else is sitting at a nearby table, jabbering about something irrelevant. Ren is sitting on Tony's lap but neither of them look happy. Emmett sets up the next game and removes his black sweatshirt. As he does this, his blue t shirt lifts up slightly and I can see his stomach muscles. He's ripped. Much larger than Marshall. He's got to be at least 6'5 with arms larger than my torso. Emmett is gigantic.

"So", he starts, "have you known Marshall long?" He rolls his neck and I hear it as it cracks.

"We've been together for about a month." I say, taking a shot on the table, blasting three balls into pockets. "Things are still pretty new, but I like him a lot."

"That's good." He smiles. "It's good to see him with somebody. He's always been kind of a loner."

Emmett sips his beer and examines me while I make the last of my moves, finishing the game. I win. Again.

"God dammit." He laughs. "I will stay here all night if I have to." His teeth are so white. It's almost scary. He's like the joker with the biggest brown eyes you've ever seen and a smile to match it.

"I don't have all night." I giggle. "I was supposed to be looking for Marshall."

"Where is he?" He asks, setting up another round.

"I don't know." I answer. "Sometimes he just like disappears on me and I won't see him for a while." I clutch the dog tags around my neck and remember how much I miss Marshall. I wish he was here right now.

"Really?" Emmett raises an eyebrow. "That's not like him at all." He shakes his head. "No. Marshall's always been very polite. At least with women."

"He is." I correct. "I just wish I could see him more."

"This is gonna be a personal question", Emmett warns, "but I think I could figure out what's happening if you answer."

"Alright." I agree, already knowing what he's gonna ask.

"You guys have sex?" He looks me right in the eyes and I can see his face is serious.

"Um yes." I say. "But how does that-"

"Well I can see you've got his dog tags on. And you've had sex with him. That means he's close to you." He explains. "Marshall won't even let me touch those." Emmett gestures to my chest where the dog tags are. "So I bet whatever he's doing, you're not there for a reason. And it's a pretty good one too."

Emmett shifts to my side of the pool table and waits for me to make the first move. I don't. I look up at him, realizing what he said makes perfect sense.

"Thanks Emmett." I say.

"Anytime babygirl." He slings his arm around me once more. "Now you should teach me how to shoot like that."

"Never in your wildest dreams." I laugh and shove his large arm off. "Then you'd know my secret to winning."

"Aw come on Rach this is just embarrassing. I've never been beaten like this in my entire life." Emmett moans and goes back to his side of the table.

He awaits my first shot, examining closely as I line it up. Before I can shoot, someone walks in to the bar. I look up and it's Marshall. Everyone sees him at the same time and Nate jumps up to greet him.

"Sup brother where the hell have you been?" Nate gives Marshall one if those bro-hugs.

I don't think Marshall has noticed me. He exchanges the same type of greeting with Noah, Tony, and Ren. He turns around to greet Emmett and locks eyes on me. He shoves past Emmett and comes straight to me. There's concern in his eyes.

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