Chapter 15

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      Cash, Maverick, and I are lined up directly outside the ring anxious for Marshall and Leto's fight to begin. Rule is in the ring with the two of them, he announces that he will be the referee. Marshall and Leto bump gloves and retreat to their opposing corners. Rule states the rules and claps his hands together to commence the fight.

"Take him down Slim!!!!" Cash screams and rattles the cage aggressively. "Do it for Rachel!"

      Marshall sneaks a quick glance at us and rolls his eyes at Cash. He trains his eyes back on Leto who is strategically bobbing around Marshall. For the first 3 minutes of the fight there is no action at all. The two of them are assuming they can wait each other out. Marshall will win. He's stubborn as hell.

"Hey! Sometime before I die would be nice!" Maverick yells at them.

      Leto smiles from ear to ear and dives in at Marshall. Immediately, he backs up against the cage and Leto delivers numerous punches to his stomach. I feel my abdomen clench with nerves. I don't like this. I don't like seeing Marshall like this. Rule calls the first round and Leto pulls off and goes to his corner for water. I scoot around Maverick and tap on Marshall through the cage. He's out of breath, taking large deep breaths trying to catch up.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes." He chuckles. "This is what I do Rach don't worry about it." He kisses me quick through the cage and Rule commences the second round.

      The two of them circle around each other once again. Marshall takes a swing and misses, and Leto delivers a solid right hook to Marshall's jaw. I gasp rather loud and Maverick takes my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. We watch and my knuckles turn white gripping Maverick's hand. Cash is going insane next to me screaming things and techniques at Marshall. After another punch to Marshall's cheek I can see his eyes zero in on Leto.

"This is it." Maverick whispers to me.

      In a few moments I realize what he means. Marshall sends a powerful uppercut to Leto's jaw, sending him stumbling back. Leto slams against the cage and Marshall closes in, delivering multiple punches to Leto's abdomen like it's one of the speedbags. I squeeze Maverick's hand tight and watch as blood oozes from Leto's nose. The guys around the cage are roaring in praise for Marshall. Rule finally steps in, indicating the end of the fight and Marshall as the victor. Cash runs to where Leto is and carries him off to the locker room after exchanging a high five with Marshall. I run into the ring and shove past the guys trying to talk to Marshall. I throw my arms around his neck and hug his sweaty body against mine.

"You're okay..." I say. "You are okay."

      He kisses behind my ear and holds me to his chest. When I pull back slightly I examine his cheek. He already has a purplish bruise forming on it. He looks at me with those eyes and cups my cheek with one hand.

"Don't worry." He says. "Happens all the time."

"Did it hurt?" I ask.



"Of course Rachel I got punched in the face." He laughs, showing off his bruised dimple. "I'm not Superman."

I look at him and lean in. Pressing a slow long kiss to his sweaty lips. "I love you."

"I love you." He says back, kissing me again.

"SLIM'S IN LOOOOVVEEEE." One of the many men yell and I turn to see the entire gym cracking up.

"Let's get out of here." Marshall laughs. "I'm never taking you to practice again."

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