Chapter 8

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"Don't go." I tell Marshall as he puts his clothes back on.

I squeeze out my hair and towel dry it briefly before putting my bra back on. I dress quickly hoping to beat him to the door before he can leave.

"No I gotta go before your mom gets back." He tells me and zips up his jeans.

"She won't be back for a while." I contradict. "She always calls first."

"Aw c'mon Rach she's only met me like twice. I don't want your mom to think we did it." He admits.

"But we did do it."

He looks up after lacing his shoes. His eyes are light and soft. They're beautiful. They could quite possibly my favorite eyes in the world. He stands and walks over to me.

"Why don't you come by later?" He asks.

"Well what are you doing today?" I ask him, wondering why he's in such a rush to leave.

"I gotta take care of some things. I'll pick you up later okay?"

He presses a light kiss on my lips. And just like that, he's gone. I hear the downstairs door close and I look out my window as he drives off toward his apartment. Well here I am. I sit back down on my bed and let the fact that I just had sex with Marshall sink in. Every moment I think about it I feel a stupid smile creep onto my lips. I can still feel him all over me. I love feeling close to him. My thoughts were not so nicely interrupted by a text from my mom.

Mom: Hello sweetie coming home now. I'm gonna make lasagna for dinner unless you have plans already. Georgia and the girls from the club are coming over to scrapbook and watch the new episode of Desperate housewives. See you soon xx.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of moms friends from her book club coming over. I never understood their obsession with George RR Martin and Desperate Housewives. The two are not anywhere close to the other. Plus how can I sit in a room with a bunch of old women when all I can think about is Marshall inside of me and how much I want him again. A shiver rippled up my spine as I remembered the feeling. Enough. I told myself. Go set the table.


I set the last plate on the table as mom walked in the door. She carried two grocery bags and I greeted her by taking one and assisting her to the kitchen. Mom jabbered on about the scandal at the store of there being no more flour while my thoughts were drifting back to Marshall.

"Rachel are you even listening?" She asks.

"What?" I respond half heartedly.

"Oh never mind just finish putting these away I have to go get changed." Mom exited the kitchen leaving me with two bags of food to put away.

I put away most of it when my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter. A text. My heart started beating like crazy. I hope its from him. To my liking, it is from Marshall.

Marshall: thinkin about you

A text bubble indicated that he was typing. My eyes widened at the sight of his next text.

Marshall: naked...

My eyes were scanning the text over and over again. How am I supposed to respond to that? My lower region began to tingle with the thought of Marshall thinking about me naked. My phone vibrated again with Marshall's third text.

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