Chapter 6

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I took a deep breath before entering the shop. I'm going to have to face Nick. I pushed open the door of the store and walk inside. The store is silent. This is different from its usual atmosphere. There is no music playing. I notice a slight shuffling sound coming from the back room. Nick waltzes out holding a large cardboard box. He stills when he notices me.

"You're late." Is all he says.

Nick almost immediately goes back to unpacking the box. Without another glance, he pops his headphones in and ignores my presence all together. This is not the reaction I was expecting. I walk back to the counter and put my bag down. My phone buzzes with a text from Marshall.

Marshall: Enjoyed last night :)

I can't help but smile. I hit reply.

Me: I look forward to another one like it

I get a response almost instantaneously.

Marshall: Eager. I like it. Remember that for later ;)

I blush. There's the Marshall I know. My 30 seconds of happiness is interrupted by Nick.

"Is it him?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes and wrapping his headphones around his phone.

"That's not your concern." I snap back on Marshall's behalf.

"Ah so it is. I knew it." Nick smirks. "So is he like your boyfriend now?"

"That's not your business."

"Well I just don't understand why you kissed me and then ditched me to go fuck around with him." Nick hisses.

My jaw drops and Nick smirks in satisfaction. I walk out from behind the counter. He's not getting off that easy.

"Well I just don't understand why you can't get it through your brain that I don't like you that way." I can hear the hate in my voice.

"You think he likes you that way? No. He's only here because you have huge tits, a nice ass, and everytime he looks at you, you spread em."

Before I even have time to think about what I'm doing, my body floods with rage and my palm meets Nick's cheek. Hard. The force of the slap causes his head to turn. A fiery red print is left on his face. Nick is visibly angry. In one swift motion, Nick grips my wrists and pins me against the back wall.

"You're fired. Slut." Nick's knuckles are turning white.

My wrists are burning under the force of his hold. I can feel the tears tugging at my eyes and I will them not to come. He cannot know I'm upset. Nick releases me and chucks my bag in my hands.

"Get out before I lose it." He breathes calming himself down.

I place my bag on my shoulder and power walk out of the store. I can feel the tears behind my eyes but I will them not to come. Please wait until I'm home. I sprint the rest of the way to the house. Mom's car is gone as expected. When I get inside I throw my bag on the couch and sit with my back against the front door.

It is in this moment I let the first tear fall. Many more follow and I can't help but sob. I pull my knees to my chest, hugging them. My subconscious is begging me to call Marshall. Call him. He'll take care of it. I shake the thought away. No more violence. I watch my own hand shake furiously with fear as I raise it to take a look at my wrist. The bruises are already starting to form.

I raise the other. Both of my hands are shaking. There are clear hand marks encircling my wrists. The bruises match a human hand. Call. My subconscious pleads. I decide that calling him is the right thing to do. I can try and convince him not to hurt Nick but I need him here. Now. My hands shake and I dial his number. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" His voice is husky and sharp.

"Can you come over?" I know I sound weak. My voice is shaking more than my hands.

"Are you okay?" There's worry in his voice. "What's wrong?"

"Come." I beg.

"Where are you?" His voice is filled with urgency.

"Home." I say softly. "You have to come get me Marshall."

"Baby I'm coming right now. What happened?" He tries again, he's very persistent.

"Please come I need you." I start to cry again, upset that he keeps asking questions.

"Rachel tell me what's happening. Why aren't you at work?" I hear his keys lock his door and his footsteps race down the stairs through the phone. He's coming.

I do not answer his question. There is a moment of silence on both ends. A couple seconds go by before I hear Marshall's voice, now filled with anger, on the other line.

"Did he say anything to you? Did he do something to you?" He asks. He waits for an answer that I don't know how to give him. "Rachel you tell me right now." He orders. I hear his brakes screech on a hard stop.

"How far are you?" I ask.

"A few minutes. What did he do Rachel you have to tell me so I can fix it." He's mad. I'm unsure whether he's mad I won't tell him or mad that Nick did something.

"I'll see you when you get here." I whisper.

"Rachel don't-"

I hang up.


"Open up it's me!" Marshall yells as he bangs his fist on my front door.

I wipe the remaining tears off my cheeks and open the door for him. He's sweating, standing in my doorway. His eyes give me a once over. His lips are parted and his eyes are soft. He looks very different than before. This is an expression I've never seen on him before.

"Baby are you okay?" He asks quietly.

I shake my head and curl my arms around his torso. For a minute he seems unsure what to do. I quietly sob into his t shirt. My hands fisting the fabric. I look up and see his glistening blue eyes staring down at me. He hasn't offered any type of comfort to me physically. Something is wrong. I release Marshall and take a step back.

"Can I at least get a hug?" I ask.

"I'm not doing anything until I take care of him." He threatens. "Now I'm going to ask you one more time Rachel. What did he do?"

"He asked why I kissed him and then left with you." I say reluctantly. I know what he's going to do.

"You kissed him?" He shakes of the anger like he's putting it away for later. "What else?" He demands through gritted teeth.

"I said I didn't like him." I explain. "And then he said you only like me because I'm a...because..."

"I'm sorry what was that last bit?" He leans in awaiting my answer. "What did he call you?"

"He called me a slut." I whisper.

"Did you say he called you a slut?" The anger in his voice builds. He looks at me with angry eyes, his fists clenched tightly on either side of him. He turns back towards his car but I grab his arm, yanking him back. He doesn't budge.

"Don't do it." I beg. "Please. He's not worth it."

"He threatened you." He says with anger. "And called you a slut. He's not going to get away with that if I have any say about it."

He removes my hand off him by the wrist and I cringe in pain. Marshall's eyebrows raise and his teeth clench even tighter. I tug my hand away but he tightens his hold on my palm. Without any other words he pushes up my sleeve. The bruises are purple now. I can't bring myself to look at him. I know what he's thinking.

"Rachel." He says, still angry. "Look at me."

He tilts my chin up and prevents me from looking down. His eyes are dark, teeth gritted, and mouth tight.

"Tell me the truth. Did he do this to you?" He demands.

There is a long pause before I speak. "Are you going to hurt him?" I ask, finding it hard to hold his gaze. "Tell me the truth."

"Yeah." He is staring straight into my soul. "I'm going to hurt him."

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