Chapter 28 (The Finale - part 4)

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        Today I'm seeing my mom, for the first time in months. It was difficult making Marshall agree to let me go alone but he eventually agreed. He went back to the gym to get training again. I think it's good for him to blow off steam. Maybe he'll be less paranoid about things. As I walk towards my old house I remember how I used to walk this street on the way to work. I remember lids, and Relapse, and Marshall. When I approach the house I stop at the base of the driveway. Mom's car is parked in the driveway in her usual spot. I'm hit with a ping of nostalgia. I miss this house. I miss my mom. I wish things had gone differently that night. She'd be in my life, she'd know Marshall better. I sigh and begin my ascend up the stairs to the front door. I'm nervous to see her, but at the same time excited. Once at the door I freeze. Inhaling and exhaling deeply one more time, I ring the bell. She opens the door in under a minute, she's been waiting.

"Hi." I say, taking in my mothers appearance.

      She looks the same. Short hair, brown eyes, and a big smile. My admiring period is cut short when I'm pulled into a hug. I give her one in return. There are no words spoken. Just a hug that says more than words ever could. After a good long embrace she pulls away and sizes me up.

"You look older." She says with a smile. "Come inside."

      She pulls me in, closing the door behind us. We sit on the couch and talk for hours. Mom is filled with questions. I tell her about Marshall, boxing, Ren, Christmas, and the accident. She leans forward with interest, asking mostly about Marshall and I. When I describe the accident, her expression changes and she shifts into Mom Mode. I'm bombarded with even more questions and I explain every detail up to Marshall's talk with the police last week. She sits in shock, staring at me.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yes mom I'm just fine." I smile. "Let's not talk about the accident."

"If you insist." She sighs. "How is Marshall?"

"Oh, he's wonderful." I beam at her. "He's everything I could want."

"I'm glad honey." She smiles back. "Do you think he's the one?"

      Jesus mom. Never one to hold anything back.

"Yes." I say firmly. "I know he's the one."

"Oh sweetie I'm so happy." She takes both my hands. "Marshall's a very nice boy."

      I hold onto her and tell her about Marshall's Christmas gift to me and mine to him. I tell her about our trips to the music store, and Rule's estate, and training. I drone on and on about Marshall. I'm about to tell her the story of my first time in the snow when I notice she's staring at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"You're sick for him." She laughs.

"I'm worse than sick for him." I shake my head and smile.

"I can see that."

      We both laugh. Oh Marshall. I'll never stop loving you. I think about him at training. Its good for him to see the guys. He's been so uptight and worried. Maybe he'll loosen up a bit. Amidst my daydream, there's a knock on the door. Mom glances at it quickly and then squeezes my hand.

"Expecting someone?" I ask.

"Yes." She rises, adjusting her top. "Promise you'll be nice and not ask him to many questions?"

"Him?" I laugh. Mom with a boyfriend?

      She eyes me and hurries to the door. She opens it and on the other side is a man close to her age, possibly older. He wears a green flannel button down and light wash raggedy jeans. His hair is cut short and he's got a mustache sitting above his lip. He walks inside the door and kisses mom on the cheek.

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