Chapter 16

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10 minutes until fight time. Rule has ordered me to stay in my seat next to the ring where I would "be safe and have a nice view". Hundreds of people eagerly shove their ways into the arena trying to get a spot up at the front. I had asked Rule earlier if he knew the person Marshall would be fighting, but he said it was someone from another county. My heart pulses to the Red hot Chili Peppers (a frequent favorite at the gym) as I wait for Marshall to come out. I glance at my phone. They're late but it's what I had expected. They like to keep the crowd waiting, to give them something to scream for.

"Mind if I sit here?"

I flip around and see Cash bending down next to me. He's smiling a big toothy grin. Cash looks different dressed in jeans and a t shirt. This is much different than the torso nudity and gym shorts from yesterday.

"Of course." I say and pat the seat for him to sit down. "Where's Leto is he okay?"

"Well I took him to the hospital." Cash sits down beside me and uses obnoxiously big hand gestures to explain. "He broke a rib."

"What?" I ask in shock. "Really? A rib? What did the doctor say? Is he alright?"

"Yeah he's gonna be fine. It's just a mild fracture." Cash calms my nerves. "He just can't fight for a couple weeks."

"I hope he feels better soon." I say.

We talk briefly about Leto and what types of shots they gave him and such. Many people have come in now. If I wasn't in a seat, I'd be pressed up against many bodies all shoving towards the front. Cash seems to be pretty riled up. He stands, joining in the cheering for the fight to begin. The reff is an older man, and anyone can see on his arms he was fully tattooed when he was younger. A younger man, probably 30, comes out with a microphone and begins announcing the competitors.

"Alright how's everybody doing tonight?!" He screams and the crowd goes insane with applause and cheers. "I don't wanna waste any time so lets get right to it! From our very own infinite boxing club, Marshall Mathers!"

Sure enough, Marshall walks out guided by Rule. His head hangs low covered by the black hood on his robe. Black boxing gloves poke out of the sleeves. He steps into the ring and I find myself on my feet. There's now a pit in my stomach and the fight hasn't even started yet. Cash is roaring beside me, but I feel like I'm all alone in the room.

"And all the way from Ann Arbor, Taylor Decko!"

A red hooded figure steps into the ring with Marshall. Taylor's robe is removed, and I can see he is hunched over. Taylor straightens up, growing larger than before. His muscles are huge, similar to The Rock's. I glance at Marshall whose removed his own robe and stands in some black Everlast shorts. He's tiny compared to Taylor and my stomach twists uncontrollably with nerves.

"Ready?" Cash yells over the noise of the crowd.

"Cash, what weight class is Marshall in?" I ask.

"Lightweight." He answers.

"Okay and what class is that beast in?"

Cash's smile disappears. He stays silent and I stare at him, eyes begging for an answer. He refuses to give in.

"Cash is this fight legal?"

"...not exactly..." He says quietly.

"Oh my god!" I yell at him. "We have to stop this! That guy's gonna kill him!"

"Hey calm down he does this all the time!" Cash yells back to me. "He's fine Rachel just watch him fight he's phenomenal."

We're interrupted by the announcer introducing the two fighters. Taylor smirks at Marshall in a "I'll take you down" kind of way. Marshall's face shows no emotion at all. He's in fight mode. I can't breathe. I'm holding my breath and Cash's bicep, shaking with fear. No one told me this fight was illegal. Rule said Tony runs the illegal fights.

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