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I wanted to walk down the darkened alley, but given that Detroit wasn't exactly the safest at night I decided against it. Mom had given me the rest of the night to explore. She wanted me to get a feel for the area while she unpacked the last of our moving boxes. The sidewalk I strolled down was lit by a single streetlamp that flickered as I passed by. I walked past the occasional liquor store and gas station.

To be completely honest I have no idea where I'm going. I couldn't see the light that signaled my block anymore. I flipped the collar of my jacket up, shielding my cheeks from the biting wind. Behind me I could see storm clouds beginning to roll in. I picked up my pace.

My eyes desperately scanned the sidewalk for a safe looking store or bar to take shelter in. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in downtown Detroit in the middle of the night in the pouring rain. In the distance, the light of what looked like a bar shined brightly in the darkness of tonight.

My legs propelled me up to the front door of the bar. The clouds were directly over my head now. I felt a light drizzle begin to fall. The sign over the bar read "Relapse". What a cliché name for a bar. I rolled my eyes at the stupid name before pushing the heavy doors open.

Inside, the room was dimly lit. Three pool tables were placed awkwardly in the middle illuminated by hanging lamps with no shades. In the back was the bar which appeared to only sell tequila shots and cheap beer. A lot of people were inside probably hoping to wait out the rain as well.

I trudged past the pool tables receiving many vulgar looks on the way to the bar. Immediately I regretted wearing my tightest jeans. I climbed onto the tall barstool and glanced around the bar. There appeared to be no one working. I slumped back in the chair and ran my fingers through my hair. A rap song I'd never heard before played softly in the background of the bars activities.

Next to me, I heard a shuffling sound and then a boy sat beside me. His hair was short and blonde. He wore a fitted white shirt underneath a black leather jacket. Dark jeans hugged his hips and a small silver dogtag hung around his neck. He couldn't be over 21.


His voice was deep and rumbly giving him even more of an edge. A man appeared from behind the bar and conversed briefly with him before handing him a beer. The boy popped off the cap and easily downed half.

His head turned and for a split second, his icey blue eyes locked on my green ones. I looked down at the counter, embarrassed he'd caught me studying him. A deep chuckle erupted from his mouth before he took another gulp of beer and spoke.

"It's okay to stare at me." He said, turning to face me and sitting with his legs open. "Just don't be offended if I wanna stare at you."

That comment alone made me want to leave. The rain was coming down hard now, prolonging my stay at Relapse. The boy's eyes traveled up and down my body. His tongue glided over his bottom lip before he chewed on it. There might as well have been a big light up sign that said "sexual tension" hanging over our heads.

"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" He said, now staring at my chest. "You new in town?"

I deemed his questions as harmless bar banter. He sat back on the stool with an eyebrow raised awaiting my answer. I stalled a minute still trying to wrap my mind around his appearance. The white t shirt he wore clung tightly to his torso which was clearly toned under the fabric.


That was all I could say with him staring at me like that. His body language read 'just a little bar fun' but his eyes said his intentions were for a lot more than a drink and a laugh.

"Makes sense." His eyes still traveled. It felt like he was searching for something. "I would've remembered seeing you."

I rolled my eyes. The rain had died down and I was suddenly aware of my exhaustion. The boy's gaze never left me. The now empty beer bottle rested on the counter beside him. Another rap song played through the speakers, clearly the same artist.

"New York?" His eyebrows knit and he studied my face. "No, you look like a west coast."

"California actually." I corrected.

He leaned forward and slid his chair closer to mine. I was too tired to tell him otherwise and judging by our height difference I'd be easily intimidated. His arm slid across the counter and rested next to my elbow which was also on the counter. His hand cupped the base of my arm and hoisted me up out of my chair.

In one swift motion, both of my arms were pulled around his neck and and his strong hands held me tightly between his legs. His lips roughly kissed the skin of my neck, sucking harshly in the same spot. I found myself out of breath. The sharp pains on my neck from his actions persisted making it more difficult to fight back.

I felt one of his hands travel into my back pocket and retrieve my phone. I tried to grab it out of his hands but he easily held it out of my reach. I could feel the bruise on my neck staring to form. I watched as he texted a number with a message that said "West Coast". The realization that he had texted himself washed over as he shoved my phone back in my pocket, letting his hand linger before holding me close again.

"I don't even know your name." I said. My hands pressed firmly on his chest and pushed him back. My action was easily overpowered by him.

"What is your name babe?" He whispered and started kissing my neck again easily holding me in place.

"R-Rachel." I stuttered. "Rachel Dane."

"Name's Marshall." He whispered and nibbled on my ear. "Something tells me you'll be screaming it later."

Both of his hands fell to my hips forcing me closer to him. His seated position made it even easier for him to contain me. His fingertips pressed into my lower back and after another quick kiss on my neck, I was released. Without even looking back, I practically sprinted towards the front door. Behind me I could hear his familiar laugh.

"I'll be seeing you again West Coast!" He called after me.

I ran down the street in the direction I had come from. I ran past the dark alley, and towards what I assumed was the city. After 5 minutes of running I began to slow down. The light that signaled my block shined just a couple streets ahead. I hadn't realized how far from home I really was. I jogged the rest of the way and turned down my street. Lucky for me, my house was only the 3rd house from the corner.

I was so exhausted I barely made it up my driveway. My front steps were damp from the rain and the light in my front room was on. Mom was up. I checked my phone and noticed that it was nearly 1am. I was hesitant to put my keys in the lock but after all I was 18 and Mom had to let me grow up sometime. When I walked inside, Mom sat on the couch with the tv on watching the news.

"Oh thank god you're back Rachel." She said and flicked off the tv. "I can sleep in peace now."

She kissed my cheek and headed upstairs to her bedroom. I wasn't far behind her. It took all my strength to carry myself up the steps. Once in my room I immediately tore off my clothes and changed into my pajamas. I crawled into my sheets and flicked off the light. Just before I could lie back down, my phone buzzed on my bedside table.

Marshall: I'll be putting this photo to good use later ;) See you soon

Attached to the message was a picture of me in my bra in my room. It must've been taken from the street. I got out of my bed and walked over to my window. Down in the street stood the outline of a boy. His bright blonde hair was my only confirmation (besides the picture) that it was him.

I yanked my curtains closed and lay back down in my bed. My first day in Detroit and I had already been assaulted and stalked. If this was any inclination of how it was gonna be, then I most definitely didn't want to stick around.

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