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(okay, so I know it's been a while, and I have like no excuse, but yay, here's another part for your reading pleasure~

Also, I'm writing another Kangst fanfic about him getting captured by the Galra, so pls read. It's called "Disarray" and I personally feel that it's well written and has original photos that I drew using Voltron screenshots to better visualize the story. It contains, torture, mental abuse, amnesia, PTSD, klance, hypnotism, and all that stuff. Don't worry, I'll still continue this one until I don't)

Lance's POV

I grabbed Keith by the arms, waiting for any sign that he was okay. I have no idea what happened. Was this just a bad headache? After our first kiss? This can't be a good omen!

After a bit of shaking him, he started to stir awake. I took a deep breath, and watched as he tiredly looked up at me. "Lance...?" He asked, in a mumble. I nodded.

"Is it your head? What happened? Are you okay? Should I call the nurse?" I asked, trying to hide the panic in my voice.

He looked down, kind of dazed. I noticed that he seemed a little confused. "S...sleep..." He mumbled. It looked like he was using all his energy to stay awake. I thought it was sweet how he didn't want to worry me. I wish he could tell me what he was feeling, though.

"I'm going to get you something for your head ache. Just, rest for now. Everything will be okay." I assured. He slowly laid his head down on my chest, and I positioned him down on the pillow.

Once I was sure he was awake, I stepped outside the room, and started dialing the code that the nurse gave me into an alien phone thingy that she provided. It was like a regular phone, so I put it up to my ear until she answered. After about 3 seconds, I heard her voice.

"Hello? This is Athelia." A woman's voice answered.

"Oh, sorry, I'm looking for the nurse that treated my friend Keith," I said.

"Oh, you are the blue paladin, if I remember correctly. Has something happened?" She asked.

I was a bit taken off guard. I didn't even consider the possibility of the nurse not being named The Nurse. "U-Uh yeah! I don't know what happened, b-but I don't think that injection you gave him is doing anything. He's still hearing voices and his head hurt so bad that he passed out!" I whisper yelled.

She took a moment to respond. "I may have miscalculated..." She mumbled.

"What's that mean?" I asked, starting to worry.

"It's possible that his psychosis goes deeper than medicine can necessarily handle. This does not mean that it won't work at all, but I suspect that this demon, that the red paladin created as a personification of what he fears he is deep down, is rejecting the medication and he is currently at war. Though, this is just speculation given the information you've provided." She explained.

It took me a minute to process that, but I still didn't really understand. "O-Okay, so what do I do? Give him more medicine?" I asked

"Well, that may help, but I would not go over the recommended dosage, as it may effect his health in a negative way. Overdose is possible. What I do recommend is continuing to care for him, while he is undergoing this battle. At the end of the quintant, there is only so much that outsiders can do to aid his situation. Usually, patients with as much trauma as him see therapists multiple times a movement, but I don't believe that is possible at this point in time. Therapists may feel threatened considering there are people out to get him." She explained.

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