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Keith's POV

You're such a disappointment, mullet. He saw you cry. He thinks you're worthless. I can't believe you broke down like that, just 'cause you remembered Shiro hates you. They all hate you. Accept it. You really can't do shit right.

I was too tired to argue with him, especially when I couldn't think about what to argue with. He was right. Lance saw me cry. He saw me at my most vulnerable state. He probably hates me even more. Why couldn't I kill myself right? Why am I still alive?

My vision was hazy. I was put into a white room. Everything was white. Even my clothes. The floor was made out of a soft cushion. After she injected me with that thing, I felt relaxed, but I could still hear him. I could still see him. He looked even more frightening. Even more ugly. I was ugly. So ugly.

I slowly lifted up my sleeve and looked down at my scarred wrist. The longer I looked at it, the more...purple it looked. I can't be purple. Galra are purple. They'll hate me if I look purple. I can't look purple! I can't! I can't! I can't!

My nails were filed down, but that didn't stop me. I began to furiously scratch at my wrist, trying desperately to turn my purple skin into any other color, whether it be my usual pale skin or even red.

Are you serious? That won't change who you are! Skin grows back!

"Maybe, I'll dig into an artery. Lives don't grow back..." I mumbled to the demon.

Suddenly, I heard something. The opening of a door. I didn't look up, though. I was too busy.


I froze.

I didn't look up. I could never forget that hypnotic voice. I knew who it was. Lance. I can't face him. He hates me. I have to keep going. But, why won't my fingers move?

"What're you doing?" He asked.

I looked away from him. I couldn't bring myself to lock eyes with him. He closed the door and began to walk closer to me, who was on the other side of the room. Before I knew it, he was standing over me.

I continued scratching my wrist, only slower. His hand started to reach for my hand. Scared and panicked, I quickly pulled my hands back and pulled up the sleeves so he couldn't see my hands. I didn't want him to see that my hands were purple.

"Why are you scratching your wrists? Are you itchy? Want me to ask the nurse for some cream?" He asked.

He's mocking you.

I shook my head rapidly, tears beginning to form. I was confused. Was he only here to make fun of me? Why would the nurse let him in here? Do they hate me that much, too?

It was silent for a moment, before he spoke. I was just waiting for him to give up and leave.

"Uh...Keith...you know, me and the other paladins were all really worried about you...I almost had a heart attack when I found you half dead in your room. I'm so sorry I didn't notice sooner...I don't want you to suffer alone, and I definitely don't want you to die thinking that there's no one out there that loves you...Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran, and even the mice love you and care about you...I just feel like you needed to hear that..." He somberly explained.

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