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3rd Person POV

It had been six hours, yet the paladins hadn't heard a word about Keith's condition. Every time they had asked, they got the same answer. That they will receive information shortly.

Hunk had made sure to provide food for them, but no one was interested in eating. Hunk and Pidge had gone to the castle while everyone insisted on waiting for Keith in the waiting room. They went to get food and bring back things to fidget with. They came back with something no one expected, though.

Pidge and Hunk came back with everything the paladins requested, but they both were quiet. When they got settled, they held up a paper in front of everyone.

"We...we just went to clean up Keith's room a little...but, we found something that Keith had written before...his injury..." Pidge said. Hunk looked away, tears beginning to form. "Uh...it...he was definitely trying to...c-commit suicide...because, he left a note. You should read it..."

Shiro took the note from her, as he was in the middle of the others. Everyone gathered around and read.


Dear paladins,

By the time you're reading this, I should be dead. I'm sure that none of you cares or has any interest and what I do to myself, but I am very sorry about whoever has to clean me up. I contemplated jumping out the air lock, but I couldn't bring myself to leave me room after what I tried to do.

Shiro. I am so sorry. I didn't want to kill you. I never wanted to hurt you. You saved me from my foster family. You were like a father to me. So, I was hurt that you abandoned me like you did my real parents. I was hurt and just angry. I am so sorry. So sorry. I understand why you hate me. I really do have a demon. Just like the McShaws said I did. You should have listened to them. I was going to tell you when I went to your room that I needed help, but you wouldn't listen. Because you don't love me anymore. So, I decided to give in to my demon. He told me to either kill you or myself. You're a good person, Shiro. I'm the Galra. I'm the demon. I chose me. At least you'd be missed by the others in the castle. No one cares about me, so I'm sure you aren't even going to bother reading this. It's good to get off my chest, though.

Paladins. I'm sorry I wasn't the red paladin you wanted me to be. I wasn't fun. I didn't bother getting to know you, because I was socially awkward, and I was probably just one huge disappointment. But, I did admire you.

Pidge, you are the smartest person I know. I loved hearing you talk about new technology, because you always seemed so passionate about it. And, despite your height, you are really one of the most agile and feistiest paladin on the team. The best of both worlds. I know that you hated me because you think I might know where your family is, but I know how important family is because I never really had one. Remember that time I was late getting off a Galra prison ship after that mission to break out Slav? I was searching through the Galra database and set up a system that would alert me if any human was sent to that ship. I know you were busy and had no time to set it up. The USB is in my drawer, plug it into your laptop and it will alert you instead of me.

Hunk, you are the kindest and most selfless person I've ever known. You always know just what to say and you always believe the best in people. I've always admired your humor and ability to lighten the mood. I know that you had said that you believed that I wasn't a spy, which I swear I'm not, but I'm sorry for making you have the unpopular opinion. You shouldn't have defended me, but I am so grateful that you did. It gave me a little hope in my room full of despair. Thank you. And I'm sorry.

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