Chapter 2. I won't.

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        We run inside closing the door quickly behind us "Help me with the door!" I yell as soon as I do, something is on the other side banging hard on it attempting to get in.  The Girl grabs an indigo sonic screwdriver off a table to deadlock the door "Hopefully this one works this time!" 

"If not, I can use mine."  I take out my own sonic standing ready just in case it doesn't work. I knew this girl had a Tardis I thought I would investigate; I wasn't sure now if she had stolen the tech seeing as she was a Dalek girl. 

There's a click with the door. "WRONG ONE!" She panics and scrambles to find a pink sonic then the door locks again.

 "Hurry!"   I shout while the banging on door increased. I struggle to keep the door closed.  The girl ruffles through her jacket. Random colored pens and pencils and crayons start falling out of the jacket. I observe not sure if I should laugh or become annoyed by how absurdly unprepared, she seems to be. A lot of her actions reminded me of the Doctor. 

       While struggling to keep the door closed I glance over "This isn't the time to dilly dally! I need a bit of help here!"

 She yells back sensing the urgency "I'm trying to find something!" She finally pulled out a sonic laser gun from her coat and put it on her belt buckle. Then going over to join me "I don't dilly dally!"

"Good then I don't have anything to worry about." I push harder as the door opens slightly. "We should really run."

She turns around and uses her back to push "None of this would've happened if you didn't come! My operation was completely ignored by even the shadow proclamation until you came along!"She argues.  

"You're blaming me!?" I exclaim shoving the door as best I can. "I was just having fun. I didn't know people were after me. Which knowing me, I know they would be after me."  Suddenly we both are thrown backwards flying into the back wall right next to each other. Smoke flooding from the door.

      She attempts to get up pulling me up by my shirt, but she slips on a puddle that formed from a broken pipe falling back down "Oi! stop being heavy!"

 "Oi? Are you still trying to trip me up? We've got bigger problems."  I stare through the smoke and see two figures emerge in black armor and weapons in their hands. I can't see their faces as they advanced towards us, I start to stand up, but I get a sharp pain in my back, that forces me to stay down "Ahhgh!"   

 The Dalek girl was still holding my hand, maybe she had grabbed it out fear. Either way it was shaking violently in my grasp. She had her hand on her knees, eyes closed tight. Her legs were pressed against her chest. I look over and her whole body was also trembling. A tear escapes her eyes out of fear rolling down her face. She had her back up against the wall like me. 

With a voice full of fear and anxiety she murmured to me. A lighter softer tone escaping her mouth Almost like a child's voice, angelic and quiet. "W-What are they gonna do t-t-to us?"

        "I don't know."  I answer honestly my fear reflecting her own but not showing it outwardly "I think I can do something."  I lift up my hand and try to use my telekinesis however, before I can muster any effort to use it, I see something fly across the room and hit me in the neck. It causes my abilities to abruptly stop leaving me with a sick feeling as I focus to use my powers.  I stop my attempts pulling out the dart "Dang! They shut off my powers. We got to run! But we're Trapped!?"

 The girl besides me seems unresponsive. Instead of her eyes being closed tightly, her eyes are more relaxed having stopped shaking. Infact, she had stopped moving completely, every visible sign of her being alive had stopped. Heart beats and breathing had stopped completely. Even her blood flowing was at a standstill but not gone.

 I gave her my full attention extremely concerned determined to yell for her to wake but not knowing her name "Hey wake up! We got to get out of here.  Come on... I need you." She remains unmoving still like this for a few seconds. Then she starts squeezing my hand in morse code. It spells out 'Don't let them know I'm awake. Keep it secret. It's one of my only defenses. Keep acting like You think I'm knocked out or dead. Oh, and get ready to run.'

        It takes me a second to respond back unlatching from my current panic that she was dead.  Remembering the Doctor teaching me this code I answered back 'Ok I won't let them know'   "Come on, oh man this isn't good." I act panicked still mummering out loud. 

 The men in dark armor step up to us making use of our immobility putting hand cuffs on that are joined, I tug on them not appealing to being stuck, as I move, I get the sharp pain in my back again, keeping me down "Agh! Ouch!" I yelp out in pain.

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, I'm pulled behind her sideways.  Giving a swift punch to the figure she takes off running, half pulling me behind her. Everything in this moment her heart beats, her breathing, her running, is accelerated. In fact, she was seeming to be teeming with more life than she ever was. It was a strange and unearthly feeling to witness, which would've been better if I wasn't currently being dragged across in superhuman speeds.

My back bounced across the ground. I yell out in pain trying my best to run, half running half dragging. Something changes when I hit something while dragged. My back corrects its dislodging pain, I gain my footing and start running.

    The Dalek girl's P.O.V
       About 3 miles into running like a superhuman, I fall to the floor and start panting. Everything returns to normal within my body. I lay there unaware that I pulled her down with me as well. ""  My whole-body fills with a slower creeping pain, like when you slowly get crushed by something. I take in deep breaths trying to get back all the oxygen I lost. There is so much pain my hand starts to glow "Oh bloody flip not right now!"

       The girl stares at it recognizing what was occurring "Ohh... you're regenerating. When did you get hurt?" She asks.  

 I roll over and start looking inside of my coat for something and well what do Ya know, it's bigger on the inside. I grab a small rock on a charm and hold in my palm. The regeneration particles start flowing into the rock glowing the same yellow, Then I stop them about 9/10s of the way through and return the necklace back into my coat. I stare up at the corridor ceiling then at a mirror reflecting something abnormal about my eyes. They reflect exactly the look of the time vortex almost as though they have the same effect. "I won't regenerate. I won't. I just won't have it. Never again." I tell myself.  

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