Chapter 10 Help

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Katrinas P.O.V
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I look over "She is?"

Silver exclaims " I don't care. I'm not dying today and I'm not regenerating. Not ever again." she sits up, ready for the one question she knows will come. 

The Doctor stares at her baffled "You're dying. By doing that. How long have you been holding back your regeneration energy like that?"

"F-four hundred N-Ninety-Nine-years." She looked at him with a straight face.

His eyes are wide with shock "But how is that? You should have been dead by now. Having all your regenerations used up and stored away." he paces the room thinking "It could be the same concept of a fob watch... storing the energy. But it would still kill her. Maybe it's the three hearts or the dalek technology keeping her alive..." he murmured under his breath

"I really shouldn't have told him, should I have?" She says while watching him pace the room.

I look back at her "Maybe not the best idea. But if this is Killing you, you got to do something." I pause and think still watching my dad pace the room "Why do you not want to regenerate?"

"I just don't want to go through it again. The first time it..." she pauses in mid-sentence staring off into the distance Then turns back to me "Sorry, um, what were we talking about again?"

"Time it- what?" I look at her hoping I can help somehow "What happened?"

I hear the Doctor Still murmuring "Storing little at a time? Maybe but that would spend up all her regenerations..." 

"I don't know what you're talking about sir. Infact, where am I?" she looks absolutely confused, like she doesn't remember that she's part Timelord or anything.

I stare at her "Uh dad. I think we got a problem." I turn silver towards me "Are you ok? Do you remember me?"

The Doctor comes over "It must be messing with her mind holding her regenerations back. It's never been tried before. All timelords just know not to do it. Silver listen to me you've got to let that energy out and regenerate."

"W-Wait, what? Who are you? Where am I?" She says still looking confused, like she has no idea where she is. Which she doesn't. Then suddenly she stumbles backwards holding her head "OI! What happened?"

we look at her concerned and confused on what just happened "Are. You ok?" I repeat once more

the Doctor scans her again.

"No stop with the scanning please it hurts!" she covers her ears and turn around starting humming the song again.

He holds his sonic up "hmm it shouldn't hurt...." pondering for a moment he finds his answer "Oh... half dalek technology. right..."

"Exactly idiot!" Silver huffs and uncover her ears.

He puts his sonic away embarrassed "Sorry. It's not often I get a guest that half dalek half timelord. Full of dalek technology."  He walks over to the chair and sits down.

I observe my sister carefully "But are you ok then? You were acting a bit strange a moment there..."

"I-I was? Must've forgotten who I was for a second happens, trust me." Silver claims.

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