Chapter 5 That's the deal

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Before silver Is out of sight, I hear her yell 'idiot.'
I am confused by that word being yelled but I don't have much time to think about it. The cybermen pulls me along to another room where he pushes me into at shackled chair and locks me there "Oi! Let me out of this you cyberbully!" I yell at him struggling.

Silvers P.O.V


In the other room the Cyberplanner pushes me into a chair with metal shackles "Now silver as that seems to be your name. You're new so I will give you and offer if you are willing. To help me." He puts his fingers together in a proposition way.

"What's the offer?" I ask wiggling in the chair a little, wondering if this is what it felt like to make a deal with a reaper, like all my other family members that I've met have.

He looks me over "You're a dalek. How is that? Care to explain?"

"My...wait a minute! What's in it for me?" I try to stand up, but I'm locked to the chair.

  "Well, you will get paid, and you'd be doing what your Dalek creators wanted you to. Being responsible for capturing the Doctors daughter. So, what do you say?"

"What is the offer exactly? I do what and you give me what?"

Cyberplanner stops and thinks for a moment "Well I want you first off to betray your friend. You're half dalek so that should be pretty easy for you. Then if you accept, I need you to catch her dad. The Doctor. And bring him here. I will pay you 50 credits and you have the choice of having a job here." He puts his hands together "That's the deal and offer I'm Giving you."

I immediately try to raise the price "We both know that's not enough for bail money. And I need a lot of that. How about 1,000,000 credits? The doctor's a wanted man, by many. And what do you mean by betray?"

"I mean betray her. Do something that shows you're not helping her. Even doing the honor of Cyber-miting her. All that will work. As long as you do all the things, I asked of you."

"Money first. betrayal last." I decide

"Ok. But I will take it back if you do not hold to the orders." the Cyberplanner orders some of the Cybermen to bring the tech of credits to transfer over the betrayal of Katrina and the capture of the Doctor.

 I smirk "Could you let me go? I need to know if its legit credits. Not that I don't trust you, just I don't trust you."

"And I don't trust you either. So, you do it. Or you will be forced to do it." he says slightly impatient.

I sigh in annoyance. "Fiiiinnnnnneeeee" like a whiny teenager. "What's Cyber-mitting? Like, exactly, what is it?"

He grins more than enthusiastic enough to show it. Stepping up to me revealing the metal technology on his face "It's this. Or more of-" he unclenched his hands showing little Cybermite bugs made completely of technology "these."

 I scream and the sound wave cracks the metal on his face "Oh um sometimes happens. Gotta work on that. you can stop showing me now..."

He rubs his technology on his face irritated "Alright... so you ready then? If you aren't going to scream?"

"I'm going to scream. I can't just not scream. I think I'm ready though, but I will scream. Probably." 

"Well ok. As long as it gets done. Now as we agreed." He sets me free.

I eye the credits on the table, having plans of my own. "How about you give me the money, I count it, do the cyber-mitting and then you give me a lift home and let me have the money?"

He thinks about it for a few moments "Alright. That will suffice."

"Money. First." I hold out my hand waiting for him to hand it to me.

He has one of the cybermen do it. I count it using my Dalek tech to analyze it and look at him "that's only 500,000" I lie to try to get more money.

"Yes. You shorted out on the deal, so you get less. If you don't like it, then that's up to you. But it's a fair deal."

"Finally, someone who's not as stupid as a brick!" I smile a little

He smirks also "Well I am the Cyberplanner. Otherwise known as Mr. clever. So, you ready then?"

I double count the money in a matter of seconds transferring a tiny bit of the extra "You gave me an extra. I'm ready now."

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