Chapter 14 The Creators Purpose

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               Katrina's P.O.V


I woke up to a loud robotic grating voice shouting at me. "WAKE UP DAUGHTER OF THE PREDATOR!" 

"AHH!" I scream from being startled awake, finding myself bound by my wrists in a standing up position as my arms are raised above my head. My head swam for a moment, I leaned my head as much as I could on my arm till it passed. "What's...   what's going on. Where am I?" 

I opened my eyes looking at my surroundings recognizing them as a dalek ship interior. I was bound in place in the middle of a large room next to the main control room of the ship. Thousands and thousands of Daleks moved to and from carrying out duties some occasionally turning their eye stalks my way. "Wait! a Dalek ship? No no! Get me out of here!" I scream tugging on the shackles above me holding me in place. 

"REMAIN STILL CHILD!" One of the daleks next to me screamed into my ear. 

"I'm not going to be part of your experiments!" I continued to struggle when I spotted the Doctor across the way Bound the same way I was. "Doctor! Doctor!" I shout to him. He shouts something back but too far of a distance so I couldn't make out what he said. 

"REMAIN STILL CHILD! OBEY! OBEY!" The Dalek repeats again pointing its weapon at my stomach. 

I swallow knowing it wouldn't hesitate to shoot and stop struggling watching as it seemed to be moving over technology around me. 

            My mind felt foggy like I was forgetting something really important. What was I forgetting? Maybe how I got here? I realized in that moment I had no idea how I arrived to be on a Dalek ship in the first place. "Wait! How'd I get here!" I panicked unable to remember how I got to be trapped on this ship. 

"Could you be a little quieter? The Daleks may not have sensitive ears but I certainly do." A mans voice echoed nearby. I looked over seeing a boy about my age with ginger hair, wearing What looked to be Dalekatium battle armor. 

"You're... a person.." I stared at this boy baffled to see him.

"I'm still a Dalek. So shut it or perhaps they'll have to exterminate you. You scream way too much." The boy crossed his arms at me. 

The Doctor across the way shouted something at the boy seeming to be just as confused as I was about how we got there and why this boy was here. 

"I... feel like I know you. Who are you?" I stare at him getting an odd sense that we were friends. 

"I'm what you'll become. Part Dalek. Part timelord. The Ultimate weapon." 

"Thats what you are?" I gasp realizing they were trying to turn me into that. "No no no! Let me outttt!" I scream struggling once more in the shackles. 

           "You never learn do you! Bloody shut it! Now! Its what's going to happen, and you have no choice but to let it!" The boy grabs my throat squeezing it slightly. 

I gasp being slightly choked by him when he then let's go and I cough. 

"Thats better. Now Katrina, be a good girl and get ready to join the superior race." 

I finished coughing now feeling quite terrified but still unable to shake the feeling I knew this boy. A word remained in my mind. "Silver..." What did it mean. Why was it echoing in my mind. 

"What did you say?" The boy perked up for a moment. 

"I.. said Silver. I don't know why it's just been in my mind." I flinch as the boy looks like he's about to grab me again but then doesn't just standing there confused deep in thought.

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