Chapter 9 Long Lost

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Silver's P.O.V
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I look over to him thinking that it's probably a lie 'Oh dear...' I say in my mind.
He starts to use his sonic on the circuit board and I clench my fist and teeth. Man, it hurts! I scream in pain "OWWWWWW STOP STOP! IT HURTS!" I yell for him to stop.

Katrina winces watching the Doctor sonic it, after a few seconds it falls off and the Sonic is turned off, he pats me on the back "That wasn't so bad, was it? Now let's get out of here!"

I get up, using the chair to stand up. I have one hand over where the circuit board was and one holding onto the chair. My legs are uncoordinated "I-I'm fine, just a little dizzy that's all. We should probably go."

Katrina nods and take our hands "Hold tight." She concentrates and prepares to teleport us, then she does, we all land on our feet barely in the open doorway the Tardis in space above the Cybership, it being cloaked, but she almost falls backwards out into space, the Doctor catches her "woah there!"

I am lying down on my back on the floor of the TARDIS since I fell down after we teleported. I look as if I'm about to pass out zoning out. There is a big red spot where the circuit board was and I probably look a little sick and pale. I laid there and hummed the song once more. 

The Doctor recognized it "That's our song... the song I sang Katrina to sleep and my family back on Gallifrey. How?"  he stares at me after putting the Tardis in flight away from the ship.

He kneels down next to me "Silver? Long lost silver. That sound of the song I sang to you when you were a child." he says in deep thought remembering while helping me up.

"Thanks..." I am a little sheepish since I used to never want help. I quickly come up with something to say "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't put your nose in my business" I say to Katrina. I cross my arms trying to look mad, even though I am quite glad she helped me and such.

Katrina shied away "Hey I had to have some fun with my sister. Course I didn't know you were then."

  "" I try to come up with a valid reason to be mad, but I can't. Except for the headache I developed when the doctor soniced off the circuit board from my face, so i just stand there with my arms crossed. Katrina continues  "Silver. My long lost sister. Dad never thought I'd meet my sister. Even if she's part Dalek."

He looks at Katrina "Yes. she has an interesting bio scan. Three hearts and half dalek technology..."

My legs are still wibbly wobbly and uncoordinated. Then the headache becomes stronger, and I collapse curled up in a ball on the floor holding my head.

Katrina runs over to me "are you ok?"

"My. Head. Hurts. So. Bad." I have tears streaming down my face because of how much it hurts "Help. Me. Please!"

The Doctor scrambles with his sonic scanning me again "but that's- How is that.... you're. You're regenerating! But how? Your perfectly fine. But yet at the same time you're dying!" He holds up his sonic, amazed and confused, at the same time slightly frantic.

"No no no no no no!" I say as I look in my jacket for the tiny rock on the necklace and grab it, holding onto it. The regeneration particles start to go into the rock and then they stop. I put the rock necklace back into my jacket pocket and start to breathe deeply like I'm panting "That......hurt......a lot......"

he stares at me and speaks with a serious look on his face "That. That.. Was regeneration energy. You put it in the rock. You... you can't do that! You'll use up all your regenerations. Your killing yourself by doing that!"

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