Chapter 3: The Third Boy

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The girls take me to a room with four beds in it. It was small and simple. Each bed was lined up against the wall with small gaps between them. Each was neatly made with a wooden table at the end of the bed with small items from home, inevitably signifying who's was who's.

The first one, which was in front of the door, had a pack of tarot cards, with a lavender candle, a pack of matches and a bandanna lying on top. How adorable. Peering closer at the tarot cards, I realized they had beautiful little stars covering them – the Queen of Cups was on top.

The second, had a pile of old, worn books, sheet music, and a bunch of bobby pins scattered.

The third, which was on the other wall, had a jar of shells and a picture of a group of people standing on a beach, each holding a surfboard. Meanwhile, the last one had absolutely nothing on it. I suppose that one was mine.

"This is our room, that's your bed on the left, and the bathroom is through there," Luna said while digging some clothes out of her draw – aka the one with the books on it, "dibs the shower first" she giggled while speed walking across the room.

"Wait I'm staying here?" I questioned. "When do I get to go home? What will my family think?"

"The FBI cloned you. Made exactly you, but better. So instead of complaining about the dishwasher you do it without complaint. This way you family will never want you back" said Fleur ever so casually. I stared at her. I mean, how was I expected to react to that? "Gosh Blair I was kidding, don't be so gullible" she laughed.

"Don't worry, your family knows what's happening, and they agreed to it ... you get to go home after each mission" Zali smiled, sending a glare to Fleur in the process. Fleur shrugged and laughed to herself.

"We're going on a mission?" I ask. My goodness if I get to do a Charlie's Angels sort of thing then I will be OVER THE MOON! I mean – spies are so cool! They get to do front flips (not that I can do any of those without breaking my neck) and shoot people (I would probably shoot one of my own teammates if I tried to shoot anyone) – not to mention they get to have super cool nick names! Did reading EJ-12 as a kid manifest this? It was, after all, my favorite series.

"Duh that's why we are all here. We don't live here you know; you're not the only one with another life outside this" Zali scoffed. I sank into my bed. It's comfy.

Way comfier than I was expecting. In fact, it's more comfortable than my one at home ... maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing if I lived here ...

A fleeting moment later Luna came out of the shower and hung her towel on a hook on the wall. I had never truly admired Luna's beauty until this moment. Her glowing skin, her thick eyebrows, and electrifying green eyes- like a work of art. Her wet hair brushed backward away from her face did wonders for showing off her insane cheekbones.

"You can shower now Blair," she says while chucking me a towel. "It's best to get in before others take all the hot water. Your stuff is in the drawers at the end of your bed."

Huh ... I didn't pack anything. I (reluctantly) push myself off the bed and wander over to the drawers at the end. All of the girls had started laughing, but I was too focused on what they could have chosen for me.

Gripping my hand on the handle, the drawer pulled open revealing lots of spy worthy clothes ... meaning they all looked very tight. Not that it bothered me- I'm a cropped top and mini skirt girl anyway.

"Man, I wish we were near the ocean" Zali sighs, collapsing on her bed.

"I don't" I swear I hear Luna mumble, but none of the other girls acknowledged it ... so maybe she didn't say anything?

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