Chapter 5: Eavesdropping

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Meetings with people in clean suits and ugly haircuts took away our entire morning, putting us practically to sleep as we sat though hours of safety lectures and something about 'ethicality' or 'honor'. It took away years of my life I'll never get back.

A man with a thick Scottish accent nodded, dismissing us, and we all hurriedly escaped the room. Heaving a sigh, and almost tripping over my own feet, I caught up with Luna and Oliver.

"Hey guys" I smiled, pacing myself next to Luna.

"Hi, Blair" Luna quickly says before continuing her conversation with Oliver, "In faith, I will. Let me peruse this face. Mercuitio's kinsman, noble County Paris!" she spoke. I haven't failed to notice that she and Oliver often recited poetry together. They trade books at the breakfast table, and I see Luna scribbling notes into a brown notebook as she reads before bed. I asked her what she was doing once, and she said it was "points to discuss with Oliver about the book".

"What said my man, when my betossed soul did not attend him as we rode? I think he told me Paris should have married Juliet: said he not so? Or did I dream it so?" Oliver continued the madness.

Luna's face screwed up, "Or am I mad, hearing him talk of Juliet, to think it was so? Oh, give me thy hand, one writes with me in the sour misfortune's book! I'll bury thee in a triumphant grave; a grave?" she continued. This was witchcraft! How could they remember all of this poetry?

"Oh no! A lantern slaughter'd youth, for here lies Juliet and her beauty makes this vault a feasting presence full of light. Death, lie thou there ... there ..." Oliver stuttered off before breaking character "bloody hell" he whimpered, Luna chuckled.

"Beat you, again" she giggled.

"Shakespeare?" I ask, although I know I am correct. Many shows I've performed in have been variations of Shakespeare plays. Although, I've never done Romeo and Juliette. I fantasize about playing Juliette- it's my dream role.

"Correct" Luna affirmed.

"Yeah, Luna and I like to have Shakespeare-off's once and a while" Oliver smiled.

"And I almost always win," she nudged his arm, and he lets out an annoyed breath, "anyways, how are you liking your training?" Luna continued while shoving her hands to the pockets of tights.

Lowering my voice into a whisper, I ask "Do we have to sit through boring lectures like that before every mission?"

Oliver smiles, gracing Luna and I with his adorable dimples. "Unfortunately, yes".

After lunch came more training. This time the man was back, and he worked with me for about an hour. If it wasn't for my complete fear of the man, I would have passed out. I can completely imagine him yelling at my unconscious body calling me 'useless' and 'weak'. I'm not exactly sure him 'working with me' is helpful though, it was more just him yelling, or muttering, mean comments (apparently talking at a normal level is too difficult). To my liking, I'm not special, and everyone receives the same royale treatment.

Eventually, he left me alone to train myself with a snarky comment saying something like "no amount of help is going to make you even remotely useful, worthless legacy".

With him gone, I was happy to do my own thing, and found my way over to multiple climbing ropes that hung from the roof in a row about ten meters long, spread in a line where each around two meters appart.

The chances of me falling are high, but I decide to risk it anyway. So, pursuing my monkey dreams, I climb up the first rope to about halfway before rocking my body so the ropes begin swinging back and forth. When I have enough momentum gathered, I grab the next rope and let go of the first. I smile to myself with my success, then peer around the large room from where I hang in the air. Zali and Fleur are practicing physical combat. Luna is shooting at moving targets. Oliver and Finn are being coached on how to escape the grip of an opponent by the coach (who's only know to me as scary angry guy).

Confidential: The not so Stealthy SpyWhere stories live. Discover now