Chapter 10: The Escape

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"Here I am thinking it would be hard to get this USB off of you." Krisha reaches to pick up the USB, but Fleur impulsively races her for it.

"Fleur don't!" Finn calls, reaching to try grab her but it's too late. She's running for it, and heading straight towards Krisha. I'm holding my breath and my heart is pounding so hard it might jump out of my ribcage and splat onto the floor.

The whole world seems to slow as we stand frozen in fear.

Fleur reaches the USB first and grasps it tight in her fist, but Krisha dives onto her. I got her into this situation. I need to at least try to fix it.

I run for it, but as after only a few steps, a group of guards comes around the corner, guns pointing high. Cowardly, I turn back.

The newly arrived guards seem to be frozen watching the battle of the girls as well. Unfortunately, Fleur isn't winning. Kirsha is straddling Fleur as she desperately fights to free herself. Hearing Fleur scream as she struggles feels like pins are being stabbed all over my chest, as if someone has made a voodoo doll of me. I could never imagine her like this. Loosing. It wasn't in her vocabulary. She is defined by her competitive attitude, spirit, energy, and winning smirk. Now, reduced to her laying on the floor screaming, having lost any element that made her who she is.

Fleur manages to flick her arm out of Krishas grip, sending the USB skidding across the floor towards us. Luna picks it up.

The blonde releases a blood-curdling scream as Krisha digs her nails into Fleur's arm, sending small droplets of crimson blood down her arm, and tears down her face. Her face is scrunched in pain as she groans in agony.

"We have to go. Now!" Zach says. I've never seen him so stern, and it terrifies me. A gunshot fires towards us, followed by another immediately after as if to prove Zach's point.

Guards step forwards and pin down Fleur. It takes three of them to stop her moving, despite her only being small. Krisha steps off her victim effortlessly. Another guard hands her a needle probably the same length as the width of my arm. Without hesitation she stabs it into Fleurs arm. Fleurs scream echo's off the walls, running shivers down my spine.

Fleur is still.

Finn takes a heavy step towards her, but Zach grabs his arm. "Finn" he says calmy.

"We can't just leave her!" Finn steps close to Zach, his eyes murderous.

"Zach is right. We don't have a choice." Lunas's voice is calm.

He knows they are right. I watch as he turns from angry to completely heartbroken. His blue eyes are watery, his jaw clenched. "You're right. Let's move." His voice is cold and solid as he turns away.

We weave back through the hallways with no plan of escape. Our only exit is blocked by guards, and there are more guards chasing after us. Soon we will all meet Fleurs fate.

Exhausted, we stumble into a room. Finn and Zach use their bodies to hold the door shut, grunting as they struggle against the force of the guards on the other side.

"We are trapped! There is no way out" Luna cries, and we fall silent for a moment, taking in our defeat.

Sighing, I lean against the wall, throwing my head backwards with my eyes closed. After a few seconds I open my eyes and see the vent above my head like the gates to heaven.

"This isn't over" I say, my smile and eyes bright. The others follow my gaze to the roof, relief smiles tugging at their lips. In a matter of seconds, Oliver has us girls up in the vent before pulling himself up. Finn leaves Zach to hold the door, and pulls himself into the roof.

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