Chapter 11: The Ultimatum

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After calculating our coordinates, Luna attempts to make a radio call to the agency. The small communication radio we were given makes a crackling noise. Luna grunts before hitting it against her palm. "It's not working" she grumbles, shoving the thing at Oliver. He inspects it closely, brows furrowed as he frowns.

"We have no connection signal here, since Zach drove us to the middle of nowhere" Oliver turned his head towards the mentioned, with his lips drawn in a thin, frustrated line.

"You could have driven" he retorts.

"I recall everyone was volunteering to drive, anyone would have been better than you."

Zach released a loud breath. "We are all here alive, aren't we? And I managed to shake all the cars chasing us off our tail. You should be thanking me." The tension surrounding everyone is tense, and I can't help but wish I was in my bed, curled up with a cup of warm milk and honey reading a script. The phone call to announce I've won a leading role in a performance is easily my favourite feeling, and after all the stress of this past week, I want nothing more than to feel something familiar again.

"I'll figure something out" Oliver murmurs, turning the radio over in his hands as if looking for a trigger button.

"Our hero" Luna smiles, planting a light kiss on Oliver cheek.

After what feels like eternity, Oliver calls out a celebratory cheer from inside the stolen vehicle. He and Luna had been in there using the cars radio, and wires from our portable radio to get in contact with the agency.

"It wasn't that difficult in the end. All I had to do was tune the cars radio onto the same station wavelength of the agency, since the cars radio is already wired to the nearest pole. Some simple rewiring did the trick. Of course, it was blocked and had plenty of systems in place to stop people hacking into it, but I've studied the system from the inside for years now." He spoke so proud of himself.

"Next time don't take three hours then" Finn says. It was the first thing he'd spoken since the fight.

Oliver's gorgeous, dimpled smile fell. "How about next time you do it."

Luna rubs her hands over her face, sighing loudly. "All of you just grow up! We are on a mission and you, especially you Finn, are acting like children! Now shut up while I talk to the agency".

Almost hour later, a helicopter arrives. Celine jumps out of the helicopter, bringing a smile to my face as she approaches.

"Did you get the USB?" Celine asks.

"Yes, we did" says Luna.

"That's great but... where's Fleur?"

Luna stutters, "We had a complication, and Fleur needs our help. We had to get out or we would all be dead."

Celine frowns. "And what about Krisha? Is she ok?"

"Krisha jumped ships. She's on their side now, working for Murik." Luna updates.

Celine gasps, bringing her hand to her mouth. "But she was one of our best agents. She was a legacy; her father almost ran the agency until he was killed!"

A man I have never seen before steps out from being the helicopter, whipping his hand over buzzcut. "So, you kids got the USB, but at the cost of one of your teammates. How do you even know they are still alive?" He slowly walks closer to us, his expression of disgust and anger scary enough to kill a small child. And me.

"We... um..." Luna stutters, unable to look the man in the eye.

"Right" he shouts, throwing his arms out beside him. "So, you don't even know for sure if she's alive. Nice going." I feel guilty that Luna is the only one brave enough to talk, and consequently is taking all the anger.

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