Chapter 14: Truth And Consequences

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Chapter 14

Jason woke up to a warm room, he looked around and saw that the room was very clean and grey, this was the polar opposite of what his room what.

He then sat up and saw that he was attacked to some sort of machine, he then realised he was in a hospital bed.

Jason "What the hell? Why am I here?"

He looked down at his hands, his skin was now pale milky white, his also seemed a whole lot more thinner, to the point where you could now properly see his ribs poking from his shirt.

He looked over to a mirror next to him, his fringe was now a little longer so that it almost covered up the right side of his face, his face was just as pale as his arms, his eyes were now permanently dark crimson and dark circles appeared around his eyes which gave him a permenantly tired look, he still had his attractive looks but something was now different.

Just then the door to his room opened and Miranda walked in.

Miranda "Oh my god, Jason!"

She then ran up to him and gave him a great hug.

Miranda "Oh you're finally awake!"

Jason "What do you mean finally awake?"

Miranda "Jason, after you used Demons Killswitch, you were out for 2 weeks"

Jason "I... I used Demons Killswitch?"

Miranda "Yeah, do you nor remember?"

Jason "No everything is just, hazy to me"

Miranda "You should continue resting up for now, I don't want you to overexert yourself"

Miranda then sat in a chair beside Jason's bed, He then saw there were tears in Mirandas eyes.

Miranda "I can't lose you too, I can't let it happen again"

Jason "You can't let what happen again?"

Miranda then looked him in the eye.

Miranda "I haven't told you about my past have I?"

Jason "No, you haven't"

Miranda "Well, my parents were soilders who worked for the Insergents, and ever since I was a child I wanting nothing more then to follow in their footsteps, both me and my sister were training for that very day that we would be called upon to fight alongside with them"

Miranda "One day however, they went off to take care of these 2 demons, it should've been easy but they were ambushed, the demons hid them away, they tied up my mom to a wall and made her watch as they tortured and cut up my dad in front of her"

It was clear that this was causing Miranda much discomfort, however she continued with her story.

Miranda "They then tortured my mom until... Until she finally cracked and lost her mind, to the point the doctors called her insane, the guilt of watching my dad die right in front of her coupled with her mental state... Drove her to suicide"

Miranda "My sister tried to avenge them both, she left the house one day and promised she'd be back by the afternoon, only her head turned up at the house, they never found the rest of the body"

Miranda now couldn't keep her tears inside and now started to fully cry.

Jason "I know what it's like, to lose a sister"

Miranda "Oh Jason, I'm so sorry"

Jason the sat up in his bed and held Mirandas hand.

Jason "I never knew that you lost all that, it's so messed up"

Miranda "Well it's not like I could do anything, I was still a kid, after the incident with my sister the chief took me in and helped train me properly, I then found the two fuckers that killed them and I made them pay"

She then looked over at Jason and smiled at him.

Miranda "You are my family now, you and the rest of the team, I swear I'll always protect you all"

Jason "You too, Thanks, for helping me back at that alleyway"

Miranda "You're welcome"

She then got up and made her way towards the door.

Miranda "I love you Jason, I really do"

Jason watched her leave the room

Back at The Insergents HQ

Violet "So how's Jason?"

Miranda "He's finally awake"

Violet "Oh thank god!"

Ever since the incident Violet had now been visiting the HQ often waiting for Jason to recover, she gets along with everyone, however there seems to be some bad air between her and Gwen.

Warren "I think give him a day or two for him to get back on his feet"

Gwen "I'm just glad he's alive"

Miranda "Me too"

Gwen "Also, have you been crying?"

Gwen the pointed at Mirandas eyes.

Miranda "Perhaps"

Gwen "Geez I was just asking"

The door to the dorm knocked, Miranda went over to open it and the Chief walked in.

The Chief "Ms Rosa, I need a word"

Gwen "Uhm, sure OK"

Gwen then followed The Chief outside into the hallway.

Gwen "Is this about Jason?"

The Chief "Exactly, you know what happened to him don't you?"

Gwen "Yeah, he somehow used Demons Killswitch"

The Chief "And how was he able to achieve that?"

Gwen "I uh, I don't know... I think it's because of the Mark Of Thanatos"

The Chief  "Of course, you say that you've lost your ability to use Demons Killswitch haven't you?"

Gwen took a while to answer, then she spoke up.

Gwen "I've been lying actually, I can still use it whenever I want, I choose not to"

The Chief "And whys that?"

Gwen "Because I hate my Demon heritage, its the reason my Mother is dead and my Dad's disappeared, this city is fine with normal Demons, but Half Breeds like me get looked down upon sometimes, Humans and Demons breeding isn't natural"

The Chief "Well you've been doing a good job hiding and controlling your demonic powers"

Gwen "Thank you"

The Chief "But, can Jason control his?"

Gwen "I'm not sure, but I don't think he can"

The Chief "Is he going to be a possible danger in any way to us?"

Gwen "........ He could be"

The Chief "I see, thank you for your time"

The chief then left the hallway where Gwen then slumped up against the wall and softly cried to herself.


Taylor "Finally, Jason Tate is now awake"

Tzadia "I see, so are we going to go pay him a visit?"

Taylor "All in due time, after all, why do we need to rush?"

To Be Continued

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