Chapter 18: Turning Point

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Chapter 18

Tzadia looked at the baseball bat that his daughter was pointing at him, he then merely looked at the team and laughed.

Tzadia "Very well then, I've been looking for a chance to let loose"

He then took off his eyepatch revealing a demonic eye underneath.

Violet "What the hell?"

Tzadia "Don't worry, I was human when I had you, the worst fucking mistake I ever made"

Violet didn't say anything, Miranda saw that a tear was streaming down Violets cheek.

Gwen "So you threw away your humanity, for nothing?"

Tzadia "Not for nothing! The future! Taylors plan will benefit all of us!"

Miranda "And what is her plan?"

Tzadia "Nice try, but I can't you guys interfering can I?"

Violet then spoke.

Violet "Where is Jason?"

Tzadia "That is private information aswell"

Chris "We're not afraid to beat the answer outta you"

Tzadia "Take a swing then"

Before Miranda could stop Chris, he had already charged forward and lay a few Punches, however as soon as his fists made contact, Tzadias skin turned silver.

Tzadia "Amazing isn't it, what demonic power can do for you?"

Chris "What the hell?"

He tried to punch Tzadia again however he found himself being flung aside.

Kelly "Lets do this!"

The rest of the team charged at Tzadia, however they too weren't able even stagger him, they then tried to use their guns but even that wouldn't work.

Meanwhile Violet wasn't fighting, she merely standing in one stop, still trying to process what has happened, Gwen then had to pull her out of the way to avoid an attack.

Gwen "Why the hell are you just standing there?"

Violet "I.... I was a.... A mistake?"

Gwen could clearly see that Violet was distraught.

Gwen "No... I don't believe someone as sweet as you could've been a mistake, we need to do this for Jason! his life is on the line here, we can't afford to be scared here"

Just then, a candle fell on Tzadia and burned away at his skin.

Tzadia "Damnit!"

Gwen "His weakness!"

Gwen then knew what she needed to do, even if it hurt her to do so.

She then finally activated Demons Killswitch for the 1st time after 4 years, however this time her hair and viens were on fire.

She then channeled this fire into her Scythe and held it out to Violet.

Gwen "Do you want the honours?"

Violet then grabbed onto the Scythe, it burned her hands serverly but she didn't care, she then used every muscle in her body and drove the sharp end of the Scythe into Tzadia stomach.

Tzadia was now pinned against the wall and was losing blood fast.

Violet "Now tell us, Where's Jason!"

Tzadia "Heh, Taylor is keeping him in her penthouse"

Miranda "I know where that is! Cmon let's go!"

Violet then took one last look at her father at turned away.

Tzadia "But how! I worked hard on becoming a demon! How did I lose to a couple of Humans?"

Gwen "You assume humans are weak, you couldn't be more wrong, you see humans possess something that demons don't a lot of the time, compassion and soul, people like you and me.... Have no soul"

Gwen "I've hurt a lot of people without a care in the world, both physically and emotionally, I hate the fact I'm a half Demon, this demonic blood that flows in me, ruins who I am... Who I want to be"

Gwen "But that's not to say there are demons out there who don't have a soul, because there are, they know how to feel and they know how to be compassionate, but I guess someone out there decided I wasn't alowwed to feel those things, and maybe he was right"

Gwen the turned to her team.

Gwen "Cmon, let's go get Jason!"

No one in the team knew what to say to Gwen after the speech she gave, they merely nodded and left the room with her.


Jason was again feeling himself slipping into unconsciousness, but before he fainted he heard the wall blast and Miranda standing over him and picking him up in her arms.

Miranda "We're bringing you home, don't worry sweetheart"

She then turned to the others, Jason asleep in her arms.

Miranda "Alright, let's get outta here!"

To Be Continued

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