Chapter 8: Follow The Trail

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Chapter 8

4 years ago in Limbo City

A young energetic woman stood outside the HQ of The Insergents. Her long brown hair was plaited neatly and her glasses shone in the light.

A man came outside and greeted the young woman.

Man "Miranda Jackson?"

The Young Miranda nodded her head.

Man "Let's see, 19 years of age! You must've impressed the right people then."

Miranda "Yup yup! I was top of my class!"

Man "I see, well come along this way"

The man led Miranda inside the building, she was immediately blown away at what she saw and was running around the main reception area taking in everything, it was her dream to join the Insergents as her parents were fighters as well.

A voice then suddenly called out to Miranda.

Man #2 "Miss Jackson!"

Miranda turned around on her heels to face who was calling her, the man was tall and burly and had a sense of importance to him, he then introduced himself as The Chief.

The Chief "So your the new recruit huh?"

Miranda "Yuppity Yup!"

The Chief "Well your file is very impressive I must say."

Miranda "Thank you so much sir!"

The Chief then led Miranda into a briefing room, it was here that he gave Miranda her 1st assignment.

The Chief "This should be simple for a 1st assignment, its just an escort mission, think you can handle it?"

Miranda "You bet I can!"

The Chief "Now that's the spirit!"

He gave Miranda the location and she then set off on her adventure.

As she was driving along the streets of Limbo City, many different thoughts were swimming through her head along with many emotions, mostly full of joy.

At last she arrived at her location, in the slums of Limbo, it was a run down house, the windows were grimey and full of cracks, the buildings walls were broken with bricks missing, overall it gave a very depressing feel.

Miranda "Alright, this must be it"

She then got out of the car and knocked on the door, a few minutes later a man appeared at the door, his clothes were torn and dirty.

Man "Who the hell are you?"

Miranda then pulled out a premade script she made.

Miranda "Hello citizen, I am Lieutenant Miranda Jackson of The Insergents, I was sent here on an Escort Mission, are you Senzu Rosa?"

Man "Senzu Rosa is dead, he's been dead for 10 years"

Miranda "Oh my, that is a shame"

Man "Wait, did you say you were from the Insergents?"

Miranda "Yes I did"

The man looked outside to make sure no one else was there, he then invited Miranda in the house.

The house was as broken down as the outside of it was, the wallpaper was torn, the windows were broken and grimey and the furniture seemed to be broken as well.

Man "I'll go get her, just wait here"

The man walked upstairs and a few minutes later he walked back down with someone else, the girl looked no older than 14, her pretty face seemed to be tired, her body was thin, her clothes were torn and her black and red hair was a mess.

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