EX Chapter 3

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EX Chapter 3

Rayne and Snyde were sitting with each other in a room, they were waiting for White Wolf to get back.

Rayne "Hey Snyde... Do you have dreams?"

Snyde "What type of question is that?"

Rayne "A pretty normal question if you ask me"

Snyde "Never mind me, what about you?"

Rayne "Hey don't try and avoid the question"

The 2 continued to bicker until White Wolf walked into the room.

White Wolf "Am I interrupting something?"

Rayne "What about you White Wolf? Do you have dreams?"

White Wolf "Say what?"

Rayne "Oh forget it!"

Snyde "He probably dreams of going back to his precious daughter"

White Wolf "Jeanne means nothing to me"

Snyde "Whatever you say man"

White Wolf quickly got annoyed.

White Wolf "Enough of that, you two need to get moving in order to find that child"

Rayne "Yeah yeah, let's go Snyde, if we split up we should possibly have a good chance"

She nudged Snyde to get up and they both left the room.

White Wolf looked gloomily at his sword.

White Wolf "What would they know about Family? It's best to keep away from Jeanne, that's the only thing i know how to do"

He then made a swift exit out of the room


Asura "And then I said 'Boom you looking for this?'"

Asura and Jason were walking down a corridor with her recounting a tale to a stone faced Jason.

Asura "Aaaahhh, good times, anyways enough about me! What about you?"

Jason "Hmm?"

Asura "You got any Juicy stories to tell?"

Jason "Not particularly"

Asura "Ah come on, there's gotta be something interesting that you can only tell me"

Jason "Uhm... I don't have anything to talk about"

Asura "(Ah, playing the strong silent type are we? Can this guy get any hotter?)"

Asura "Well, why did you decide to join the Agency anyways?"

Jason "I.... I don't really know myself to be fair, I guess it gives me a chance to hone my skills, you?"

Asura "Oh, well I guess the same as you"

Jason could tell that Asura was hiding something from him, but he didn't press on any further.

After a minute or 2 of walking they heard a noise.

Asura "What's that?"

Jason "Stay alert"

They both got their weapons out, only to find Elisa hiding by a suit of Armour.

Jason "Elisa?"

She looked up and immediately hugged Jason.

Elisa "I was so worried! I didn't think anyone was gonna come for me"

Jason "Well I'm here now"

Elisa then looked and Asura and immediately hid behind Jason.

Jason "It's alright, she's a friend"

Asura immediately blushed.

Asura "(ffffffffff....friend!? So I'm not just some comrade!)"

Jason "Why are you smiling like that?"

Asura "Oh! It's nothing!"

They then suddenly heard laughter coming from another room, they both decided to follow where the voice was.

They found themselves in a giant dining room and saw Rayne swinging on one of the chandeliers.

Rayne "Oh, there's the kid, I was wondering where she scampered off to"

Jason "What were you planning on doing with her?"

Rayne "Putting her through the same regimen you went through in Limbo. Effective program. Just look how you turned out. Of course, after her use was done, Lord Demiugire would have to discard her... But she would do a great honour for him"

Jason "I chose my path. But she's a kid, you son of a bitch"

Rayne "And kids are cruel. All people are, by they just lose touch with it as they get older. Start thinking they know right and wrong. Kids you can mold, manipulate into performing all kinds of atrocities, that would greatly help Lord Demiugire"

Asura "That's why we're shutting you down"

Rayne raised an eyebrow

Rayne "You think so then?"

Asura "Bring it"

Jason motioned for Elisa to hide and she ran off into the corner of the room.

Rayne "Like I said, kids are cruel, Jason. And I'm very in touch with my inner child"

She then pulled out 2 sai and rushed at them.

The fight was a very tricky affair, Rayne was quite slim and was able to dodge a lot of Jason and Asuras attacks.

Rayne "See if you can dodge this"

She then thew her Sais quickly at both Jason and Asura, however Jason was able to parry both of them into Rayne sending her crashing back.

Rayne "CHRIST!"

Asura "Christ isn't here to save you now!"

Asura then rushed at her and delivered a roundhouse kick which knocked Rayne to the ground.

Asura "It's over"

Rayne "Attaboy, Jason..."

They then heard someone speaking through Raynes earpiece

Snyde "Did you trip or something?"

Rayne "Asshole. He’s good... real good... You knew this would happen, didn't ya... Well, you'll get your wish... Up to you, now, Snyde…"

She then passed out.

Asura "Well that was definitely something, I'll just tie her up now"

Jason then turned over to Elisa who was shaking in the corner.

Jason "Hey, you OK?"

Elisa shook her head

Elisa "Why? Why are the bad people out to get me?"

Jason sighed to himself

Jason "I have no idea, but we're gonna get through this together, I promise, but you're gonna have to be strong for me... Can you promise me that?"

Elisa thought to herself and then nodded.

Jason "Good, now let's go"

To Be Continued

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