Chapter 17: The Devils Dalliance

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Chapter 17

Jason woke up on a coach, he looked around the room he was and saw it was a really fancy penthouse apartment.

Taylor "I was wondering when you were gonna wake up"

Jason sat up and saw Taylor siting in another chair beside him.

Taylor "You hungry?"

Jason "No"

Taylor "You sure?"

Jason "I'm fine"

He then looked Taylor in the eye, despite her being beautiful, all he could see was malicious intent in her eye.

Jason "Where am I?"

Taylor "Your in my home"

Jason "Why am I here?"

Taylor chuckled to herself.

Taylor "I've already taken everything I needed from you"

Jason "What did you take?"

Taylor "Oh, just some your blood"

Jason "WHAT?"

Taylor "I haven't fully explained my plan have I?"

Jason shook his head.

Taylor "Well remember when I said that I moved here in Limbo?"

Jason nodded

Taylor "Well, moved is such a lie, no... Me and my father died in a car accident, my old man just had to get drunk, and then, I woke up here"

Jason "So.... You mean?"

Taylor "This isn't my world Jason, and I know it's not yours too"

Jason "So what are you planning to do?"

Taylor "I've found a way back home, after all these years I've found it! I just needed the 3 marks!"

Taylor "The Mark Of Hades is already secured with me, you have The Mark Of Thanatos... And for The Mark Of Hela"

Taylor then pulled out a necklace she had, that omitted a blue glow.

Jason "You need to take that off now!"

Taylor "Don't worry, me and Hela have reached a.... Mutual agreement"

Jason "So once you've drained me of the Mark, your gonna kill me?"

Taylor supringly shook her head.

Taylor "I'm not gonna kill you, you were unfairly brought to this world weren't you? Once I've opened the gateway you'll get to come with me"

Jason "But the gate way could destroy Limbo! Everyone would die!"

Taylor "Believe me if I could find a way to go back without killing others I would! But this is the only way!"

Jason then felt his head hurt, he felt like he was going feint.

Taylor "Get some rest, your in a bad shape"

He felt his eyes getting droopy and he eventually passed out.


After the incident, the team were now taking refuge in Violets apartment although it was a little cramped for all of them.

Miranda had not seen any other soilder since the incident, even the chief went missing, perhaps they all went into hiding aswell, Miranda did not want to assume the worse.

However only one thing was on everyone's mind, to find and save Jason.

Unfortunately they didn't have a clue where he could be, but this did not stop them from planning.

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