Chapter 1: It's Always Better Down The Line

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Chapter 1

Limbo City huh?

A place where humans and demons live.

And I somehow survived a stab wound to the throat.

Those were the only thoughts going through Jason's mind as he sat staring out the window in Mirandas car, she had offered to explain everything to him back at her place and give him some where to stay for the night.

Miranda "So how old are you anyways?"

Jason "18, you?"

Miranda "23"

Jason nodded to himself and stared out the window again. He wonder what everyone at home would think seeing him in a car with a hotter older woman?

Well actually Miranda was only 5 years older and being with hot girls like her was Jason's standard.

But in Limbo City, he had no idea if he would even have time for that.

Jason "So what do you do for a living?"

Miranda looked at him with shock "Well that's classified"

Jason "Bullshit"

Miranda "Look I'll explain everything later!"

Jason "Alright calm your ass down"

Miranda sighed to herself and continued driving, a few minutes later they were at their destination.

As they entered Mirandas apartment, she turned the light and showed Jason around.

Miranda "Make yourself comfortable for the time being, i have something to take care of"

She left the room leaving Jason by himself, he proceeded to enter the bathroom to clean himself up.

As he entered the bathroom he saw some green hair dye on the cabinet and a thought entered his head, this is a new start right? A new beginning for me in another world.

He poured some of the dye on his hand and ran it through his hair, to his surprise it immediately turned green as soon as he touched it.

Jason "guess things work differently in Limbo"

He then styled his hair up a bit making a fringe that covered his eye a bit.

Jason "looks a little edgy, but it'll work, new look right? "

Jason cleaned his face up a little and left the bathroom.

Miranda was already done with her business and was reading something on the sofa.

Miranda "New Look?"

Jason "Yeah, I thought I'd chance it up a bit"

Miranda "You do know that's permanent hair dye?"

Jason "I don't mind"

Jason sat down next to Miranda and he began to ask him questions.

Jason "So what the hell is this?"

Miranda "what do you mean?"

Jason "I die one minute and I wake up in this place"

Miranda looked at Jason with confusion and Jason began to explain what he meant, he told her about the mugging and him being stabbed in the throat.

It took Miranda a while to take in the information before she spoke.

Miranda "I'm afraid that's something I can't give you an answer to, sorry"

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