Chapter 6: He Is Limitless

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Chapter 6

The dragon tail members started to swarm the 3 of them, Jason pulled out his guns and started to fire away.

Jason "Dammit, we don't have time to deal with these guys!"

Chris "Don't worry, leave this to me."

Chris then materialised his gauntlets and went to town on the thugs, after merely 20 seconds they were all down.

Jason "Ok, that was pretty cool"

Chris then winked at Gwen who in return rolled her eyes.

Gwen "Cmon, let's go find that control room."

She then ran forward, Jason and Chris  followed"

They found themselves in the main hall of the warehouse, once they got into the middle of the room they heard cracking in the ground, suddenly 2 massive rotund armored up demons burst from the ground.

Jason "Damn, is there some sort of brownie sale I don't know about?"

Gwen giggled at this comment.

Gwen "Those are tyrants, they won't be easy"

Chris "They will be for me"

He then charged forward, his fists ablaze.

Gwen "That idiot doesn't know what he's doing!"

Chris "Idiot you say?"

As Chris engaged combat with the tyrants, instead of striking first he weaved in and out of their attacks like a boxer, once the tyrants got tired Chris delivered the killing blow to both of them.

Chris "You were saying?"

Before Gwen could reply a couple of lesser demons spawned behind them.

Gwen "Ok let's do this"

Both she and Jason charged at the demons, Jason using Celine to cut down the Demons while Gwen used her scythe to behead her section of demons, like Miranda it seemed like Gwen was in a dance while fighting.

After a few minutes they were done, Gwen began to lead the way to the control room.

Gwen "It should be easy, in and out, 20 minutes"

Jason "It better be"

45 minutes later they found the control room.

Gwen "See what did I tell you?"

Jason facepalmed as Gwen started to mess with the main computer.

Gwen "Right, so how do I do this?"

Chris "Move, let me try"

Gwen "What are you gonna do? Smash the computer?"

Chris merely smirked at got to work, somehow he was able to open up the grate that was blocking Miranda and the rest.

Gwen "How did you do that?"

Chris "Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape"

Gwen "What Th-"

Chris "I'm joking."

Gwen sighed to her self, she then pulled out a flash drive.

Gwen "Miranda wanted us to take as much info as we can from these computers"

Chris "Here pass it to me"

However as Chris tried to grab the flash drive, Gwen moves it out of reach.

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