EX Chapter 4

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EX Chapter 4

Jason, Asura and Elisa were had now entered a library in the castle, Elisa was sticking very close to Jason.

Asura "She seems to be really attached to you"

Jason "Well, when I was working for her family, she seemed to want to talk to me the most, essentially she took a liking to me, like I was her dad or something"

Asura "I can see why"

Asura continued to walk around until she found a painting hung on the wall, it was of a stone faced woman riding off into battle, Asura then saw a book underneath the nameplate.

Asura "Hmm, Lady Victoria... The Queen Of Darkness"

Elisa "Huh? I once heard my dad call Jason the 'Prince Of Darkness' are you and the painting lady related?"

Jason "No... Its just a coincidence"

Asura started to read the book about Lady Victoria while Jason talked to Elisa more.

Elisa "Are my mommy and daddy... Dead?"

Jason averted her gaze for a moment but then told her the truth.

Jason "It was in the heat of the moment, I should've acted sooner"

Elisa "No I.... I don't blame you"

Jason could definitely tell Elisa was distraught over her parents death.

Elisa "Who am I going to live with now?"

Jason "I have no idea"

Elisa "Can... Can I stay with you?"

Jason gave a tired smile

Jason "We'll see"

Asura had now come over with the book in her hands.

Asura "You guys should read up on who the chick in the painting is, According to the book, Lady Victoria was a citizen of Limbo, and is a distant relative to Hela. However, she was one of the first demon hunters to protect Limbo, they nicknamed her the Demon Butcher"

Jason "Intresting, I assume this is before humans and demons lived in peace"

Asura "Mhmm, the book also says at some point during her time as a hunter, Lady Victoria took part in a massive liberation against a powerful Demon army, it was against the Demon General Demiugire"

Elisa "That's the man that tried to experiment on me!"

Asura nodded and continued recounting what she read

Asura "The mission would take its toll on Lady Victorias morals, as she, alongside scholars and other hunters, had participated in the liberation against Demiugires army, as some of his men had consisted of humans and inoccent villagers"

Jason "My god"

Asura "As such, she locked herself up in this castle, which belonged to her, she never interacted with anyone ever again and soon wasted away until her death"

Jason took a while to process the information, this Lady Victoria seemed to have such a tragic life, he sort of understood what she felt.

Suddenly, the door burst open in the library and Snyde was standing there.

Snyde "So there you are"

Jason got his sword ready but Snyde merely held up his hand.

Snyde "Not here, we both won't be able to fight properly, follow me"

Snyde then led the group outside into a type of courtyard.

Snyde "This is better, we can fight out here properly"

Jason "You’re in charge here?"

Snyde "I am Snyde -- the shadow Assasin. And you... your reputation precedes you. A natural-born killer, Cut from the same cloth, you and I."

Jason "You don’t know me."

Snyde "I lost my whole family, everything... But butchered those fuckers. My family’s killers. That’s when I realized... I am a killer, too. And a good one at that. I slaughtered dozens in the name of killing"

Asura "Proud of that, are you?"

Snyde "What happened, happened. To be honest, I found it quite dull."

He then pulled out 2 Katana blades.

Snyde My enemies fell like flies, one after another. Not once did I feel threatened. I was adrift... without challenge... without purpose... At times, I even envied my prey. At least they had a cause to die for. And then... I met Demiugire"

Jason then readied his sword.

Jason "A man with honour huh?"

Snyde "Now give me a good fight Prince Of Darkness"

The 2 then rushed at each other and started to battle, it seemed to be an even fight, with both of them having skilled sword techniques to match the others.

Blow after blow after blow, neither man was backing down.

Snyde "You're good"

Jason "I'll take that as a compliment"

After a few more minutes, Jason started to wear Snyde down.

Jason "Play times over"

Jason then delivered a skull fracturing kick to the side of Snydes head and he was knocked out cold.

Asura "A shame, if we wasn't working for Demiugire, he could use his skills for good"

Jason "Yeah, now... There's one more person we need to deal with"

Asura "You mean?"

Jason "Yeah... Its time I settled things with White Wolf"

To Be Continued

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