Chapter 9: The Anchor

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Chapter 9

Jason and Gwen made their way towards the HQ, once they got there Jason kept his promise to Gwen and told the rest of the group how he got to limbo.

At the dorm

Jason "So yeah, that's how I got here"

Kelly "WHAAAAATTTT!!! How is that even possible??"

Warren "It shouldn't be."

Gwen "I mean, it makes less sense than Demons, but I still believe him, it doesn't seem like he's lying"

Miranda "He isn't, I know he isn't"

Miranda had just come into the dormitory, it was now past midnight.

Warren "What are you doing here Miranda?"

Miranda "I'm here to quickly brief you all on the next mission which will involve Jason, Chris and Warren."

Chris "What do we need to do?"

Miranda "Well I guess you can call this a stakeout, apparently the leader of the Dragon Tail gang will be meeting up with a very important supplier, we need you 3 to spy on them and gather information."

Chris "Oh hell yeah! Guys night out!"

Warren "I wouldn't really call it that"

Chris "We could bring snacks, beer and all that jazz!"

Jason "Sounds good!"

Gwen rolled her eyes at Chris.

Gwen "God your such a pig"

Chris had now stopped smiling.

Chris "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Gwen "It means you can't take anything seriously, for once could you not treat everything like its a game?"

Chris "Yunno your being even bitchier than usual"

Gwen then prepared to lunge at Chris but Jason held her back, he noticed that Gwens veins were burning red and parts of her hair were turning white.

Kelly "Guys please don't fight!"

Chris "Leave her Jason, go on then Gwen get angry, let's just see what happens when you do!"

Jason heard snarling coming from Gwens mouth.

Miranda "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Miranda had now Intervened, Jason had let go of Gwen.

Miranda "Your teammates for crying out loud! Your friends! We need to be with each other, helping each other, not fighting! You get me?"

Gwen and Chris didn't anything, Chris sat back down and apologised to both Gwen and Miranda, however Gwen ignored him and went back to her room.

Warren "And this is why I'll never get a Girlfriend, too much work"

Jason didn't say anything, instead he just went back to his room to lie down, in the next room he heard Gwen softly cry to herself, Jason felt like now wasn't the right time to comfort her so he decided to go to sleep.

The Next Morning

Jason "So you guys ready for the stakeout today?"

Chris "You bet I am!"

Warren "You seem to be awfully happy this morning"

They were eating breakfast at the kitchen table, nobody had mentioned what had happened last night. Gwen however had still not left her room.

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