Chapter 14- Finally Waking Up

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Kaminari's POV

I had passed out after a mixture of hella tiredness and hitting my head on the floor. I had gotten a whole heck of a lot of sleep, after the feeling of being placed in a bed of some sort. I didn't know what was happening around me because I was asleep, but I had the feeling I was probably laid in my bed by one of my friends after being knocked out.

   The feeling of awakening had forced my eyes open, and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I could tell something was unfamiliar. This bed didn't feel like mine... and the decorations next to the bed definitely weren't mine. They looked like something Midoriya would own-
  I sat up quickly, immediately coming to a conclusion about where I had been brought. My gaze shifted and landed on the other decorations scattered around the room. All of it was All Might themed. From American-themed items to figures and posters of the blonde ex pro hero. Undoubtedly my future boyfriends room. Before acknowledging anything else, I stopped to admire the fanboy-ish nature of the emerald eyed boy. Maybe I could get him to fanboy over me one day eehehehHEHEHE—
  Where was Midoriya? If I was sleeping in his bed where was he?

   As if on cue, I heard shuffling from next to me, on the floor. I peered over the edge of the bedsheets and saw the familiar green head of Mido, wrapped up in a blanket with his head comfortably laid on a fluffy pillow. He must have slept on the floor because I was sleeping up here. What a sweetheart.

   Suddenly a certain thought overcame my others.

   Would that stupid disease activate again? Since I'm near Midoriya, does that mean it will start up again? I can't feel it at all, which is lucky I guess but...will it happen when he wakes up? I should get up and leave before that happens, I don't want to get blood everywhere. But on the other hand...his bed it so comfortable, and the feeling of laying in my crushes bed only sent feelings of euphoria throughout my whole body. Maybe I can stay for just a little longer...the sun hadn't risen yet so it's not even close to school time yet so...maybe just a little more sleep.

It felt like hours had passed before I felt the feeling of being awoken again. I was being shaken awake by what felt like a hand on my arm. As I started to shuffle awake, the hand let go and footsteps could be heard running away from where they originally stood. Confused, I turned and focused towards the figure that stood a few meters away from the bed, right near the opener doorway. The familiar shirt messy haired boy stood in my field of vision, and started to speak before I could do anything else;

    "Good morning Kaminari! I don't want to get to close to you because...I heard about the disease...but a clean uniform is on the foot of the bed for you. School starts soon so get ready!" Midoriya's squeaky voice said enthusiastically as he left the room and shut the door lightly behind him.

   That was something I wasn't quite ready to wake up too. I flopped out of bed, onto the as I quickly stood up and focused my center of balance so I didn't fall over. I used a hand to fix my ruffled hair as I walked over to the end of the bed. With my newfound energy from sleeping for what felt like forever, I quickly slipped into the uniform and bolted out the door.

   I made it to the common room and saw my classmates, who's attention shifted to me as I walked through the elevator doors. Most gave me a wave or a friendly smile. I was a bit late, so school was about to start. Everyone was already putting on their shoes and leaving the building. So I quickly joined and we all left the dormitory.

   Kirishima ended up finding my phone on the floor after I passed out, so on the way to school he gave me that. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, enjoying the fresh air of the outside. Friday. Today was Friday, finally marking the end of the hectic week. Hopefully nothing crazy will happen for the rest of today...

   We quickly made it to U.A, and as I walked through the large door with a big "1" written on it, I could spot a green head hastily walking away as if in a hurry. Probably nothin.

No ones POV

   Midoriya hesitantly sealed the letter, as he slipped it into his classmates locker just as the latter walked through the entry.

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