Chapter 1

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The summer weather had finally crept back into the year. The hot sweltering heat scorched Steve's bare skin as he ran back to his apartment. Pop Smoke in his ears and the sweat running down his flush face as he makes a quick turn ending in front of his building. His morning run was his ritual, it was early enough that not too many people were out, but still enough to weave around some when needed. Steve climbed the steps of his 30-story brick building in Brooklyn. He had officially moved back three weeks ago after living in Buffalo for two years with his ex. After that crashed and burned, he decided to come back home and refocus on his life and himself. He jogged up 15 flights passing a beautiful redhead on the way. He gave her a soft glance while she nodded back to signal a courtesy hello. Soon he was on the 16th floor and entering his newly furnished apartment. The sun through the double-paned  windows filled the apartment with an orange-yellow hue. Steve wasted no time grabbing a cool water from the top of the fridge and downing it.

"Alexa, What time is it?" His baritone voice yelled out.

"The time is 7:30 am. Have a good day." The android replied.

Steve had roughly an hour to get out for work. He quickly made some eggs and bacon before hopping in the shower and heading out for work. He headed downtown to Shield Law Firm. He entered the Metro station a block from his apartment, snagging the morning paper on the way. It was rush hour and the train was packed per usual. He had gotten used to that since he's been back. No matter how much he loved his city, that was the one thing he didn't miss. He found a spot after a few people got off on the next stop and he quickly snatched it and began reading his paper. His body rocked as the train rocketed down the track. Sudden jerks weren't uncommon, which is probably why he didn't freak when a woman fell into his lap spilling some iced coffee on him in the process.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." A husky voice resounded from the red-haired woman whose head was down trying to regain her balance as the train kept going with little regard for her slip.

"It's fine. To be expected when we're practically racing to our deaths." He lightly chuckled. Finally her head lifted and her green eyes meet his blue. He had seen her multiple times on the train on his way to work, but never really paid any attention to her.  "Yea I guess so. I am sorry though." Her eyes trailing to the decent sized coffee stain from her Iced Caramel coffee. "Damnit, I spilled coffee on your shirt." She tried to clean it with a small napkin, dabbing it gently. "Oh it's fine. I have another shirt in the office."

"I can at least get it dry cleaned." She said standing up realizing she was still in his lap.

"It's really not a big deal." Steve brushed off her suggestion as he helped her stand making the mistake of standing too, causing him to lose his spot.

"See now I've made you lose your seat too. I insist, please? I can get it done right after work." She pleaded.

"Alright if you really want to. What's your number? I can text you the address." Steve pulled out his black iPhone 11 and began to type in her number as she rattled it off.

"Got you locked in and texting you my work address." He finished giving her a soft smile.

"Ok. I'm Natasha by the way." The fiery red head said holding onto the iron pole in front of them.

"Steve Rogers." His tone carried confidence and something else Natasha couldn't quite pin point.

"Well nice to meet you Steve, no matter how embarrassing it may have been. I'll see you later." Natasha stepped off the train immediately merging with the flood of people that were coming and going. Steve followed the red hair until the doors closed and the train sped away. A couple more stops and Steve was getting off and at work.

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