Chapter 5

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The days trailed on and Natasha and Steve began to run into each other more often. Every morning it became somewhat of a ritual to sit next to each other on the train, they wouldn't talk too much. Steve kept his daily routine of reading his paper and Nat would drink her coffee stewing in her thoughts. They kept their conversations light and fun constantly getting to know each other. They both felt the chemistry but neither bothered to address it for Natasha was in a relationship and Steve respected her too much to make a move.

It was Saturday morning and Nat woke up feeling amazing. Stretching wide, she climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Bruce wasn't there Friday night so she had a much needed rest. Things were alright between them for the last couple days and she prayed it stayed that way. Tonight was a gala for Pepper, a mutual friend of her and Bruce. Bruce worked with Peppers husband, Tony, as a pharmacist at his company, Stark Inc. They were close friends and after many events Pepper and Natasha formed a friendship as well. The gala was at 7 and Bruce was a stickler for time. He hated being late so she knew she needed to be ready by 6:30. It was around 1 now and it wouldn't take her long seeing as how she already had her dress and jewels picked out for tonight.

Natasha decided to lounge for the time being. She went to her kitchen and made eggs and toast with an Avocado spread. She poured a cup of orange juice with a shot of vodka to help ease her into an even more peaceful state, after all she is Russian. Kicking up her feet and plopping on the brown sofa in her leaving room, Nat put on her TV to watch Law and Order: SVU. It was by far her favorite show and reruns were literally all she watched. Sometimes she would find herself worked up about certain episodes that dealt with domestic violence but it usually passed once the episode was over. Nevertheless she indulged in her guilty pleasure until it was time to get ready.

Time flew and soon enough she was getting dressed for the event, she wore her hair up in a loose bun with a strapless red dress that accentuated her curves. It was a floor length gown that would for sure make heads turn. Her girls were on display and for a second she thought it might be too much, but seeing as how others barely left anything to the imagination, her outfit would be considered tame. She stared at herself in the full body mirror, one of her favorite pieces of furniture in the house, and smiled. Bruce would love it for sure. Her back was showing enough to make out the muscles that she had and give a nice view. She quickly sprayed Chanel No. 5 and applied a red lipstick to her plump lips. She looked gorgeous, like a princess from a Disney movie. It was 6:25 by the time she finished and she could hear the door close.

"Nat, you ready?" Bruce called out from the living room as he walked.

"Yes." She entered the living room and Bruce broke into a wide grin.

"You look beautiful baby,. You're gonna steal the whole party." He said and kissed her on the lips.

Nat could feel her heart pounding. She loved when he would get all lovey dovey. It was a side that he seemed to rarely show nowadays. She blushed and returned the compliment

"You look handsome."

"Thank you. Can't let you be the only one to steal some eyes. I have the car waiting downstairs, so let's go." He smiled and held out his hand for her to take. They hadn't been on a date in so long, this felt like her first. As they made their way to the car, Bruce stole glances at her and they engaged in small talk. He told her all about his day and the new stuff he was working on for Tony at Stark Inc.

"Thats amazing baby. I think that'll definitely be great for the company and for you. You can probably get that grant you were talking about." She encouraged.

"Yea, I'm hoping so. There's so many ideas I'd like to bring to fruition."

"Well I believe you can." Nat gave him a quick peck on the cheek before sliding into the black Mercedes.

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