Chapter 12

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It had been a week since Natasha moved into her new home. She was back at work and had been making up for the time that she lost by not coming in. Thankfully it was nothing she couldn't handle in a day or two. Maria had did an excellent job taking her position while she was away. Nat glanced at the large clock above the door and hoped it would move faster. She was nervous about tonight. Yesterday, she called Steve asking him to come over tonight for dinner. They hadn't seen each other since he left her that night and she wanted - no, needed - to properly thank him for everything he had done for her. Of course, she didn't tell him that was why because he would've just said "Its what friends do Nat. It's nothing." Him and his humble attitude always got to her, so she left that tiny detail out, instead opting for the "housewarming" excuse. She had everything perfectly planned out, even a gift for him. It was a vintage paint set that was made in the 60s. Only 8 collections were made, so Nat was hopeful that he would appreciate the rare collector's item. She sat at her desk, lightly thumping her finger on the wooden top.

Maria, who had been silently reading over some children's papers, glanced up staring at the three fingers move steadily.

"Ok either you stop thumping or I'm going maim you." She said with a huff.

"Oh sorry." Nat chuckled.

"Are you really that nervous about tonight?" Ria asked setting the papers aside, thankful for the  distraction.

"Yea I am. What if he doesn't like it? Or what if its not enough? He deserves so much for everything Maria."

"Nat, that man will appreciate anything you give him. He knows you're grateful for him. I'm sure you've let him know on more than one occasion."

"I have, but it's different when you're trying to show someone." Nat said throwing her head back spinning slowly in the chair.

"Relax. You're literally cooking this man dinner and bought him a $500 antique art collection. If that doesn't show enough appreciation, I'm sure you have other options "

"Like what?" She said looking at her friend.

"Well you are a woman, I'm sure you can figure it out." Maria said with a wink.

"Oh my gosh Ria." Nat exclaimed throwing an eraser at her. "I'm not gonna sleep with the man."

"Well you said you want to show your appreciation to him" She said laughing. "That's one way to do it and you can let off some steam too."

Nat shook her head in disbelief but smirked at the idea. Yes, Steve was good looking and charming and just down right amazing, but she didn't want to go there if he may not feel the same. She knew she was falling for him and it was best to keep her feelings at bay, not just to avoid messing up their friendship but to make sure Steve didn't end up regretting being with her.

"I just want to make sure my feelings get across. The appreciative ones, not the horny ones. It's kinda an apology too for how I treated him when I got back together with Bruce. I was such a dick."

"I know." Maria said matter of factly earning a glare from Natasha. "Hey you know you were." She said lifting her hands in defense. "I told you plenty of times to talk to him and my words fell on deaf ears."

"Mhmm I'm aware. I won't make that mistake again."

"Good to know. Now stop fidgeting and get back to work. You're almost done."

"Geez, am I the boss or you?" Nat asked with a chuckle.

"I'm still trying to figure that out." Maria quipped back picking up the stack of papers again.

Nat smirked and appreciated the pep talk. Maria always knew how to get her to calm down and back to her senses. It was one of the underrated things she missed about having friends. She can openly vent about problems and not have to tip toe around what to say and who to say it to. There was no shame in her issues because it was nothing to be embarrassed about like before.

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