Chapter 8

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It had been about two weeks since Nat cooked dinner for Steve and things were going great. Today, she was on her way to the dance classes she taught. She had her Nike gym bag thrown across her shoulder as she locked the door to her apartment. Moments later, Steve exited his with music in his ear. He gave Nat a questionable look before pulling an earbud out.

"Where 're you headed?" He asked with his head nodding towards the bag.

"Dance class."

"Oh right. The infamous dance class that I've yet to go to."

"Well you're always welcome to join." Nat teased because she knew he wouldn't.

"Then, I guess I'm in luck."

Nat raised her eyebrows in shock. "Is Steve Rogers actually going to be attending class today?"

"Yea I am. I do recall asking for a private lesson."

She tapped her finger against her cheek. "Mmmm I think that does ring a bell."

"Then shall we go."

"We shall."

They got on the train and held conversation about various things including the Dodgers game they had watched together the night before.

"You think we'll win this season? Hernandez hasn't been his usual self." Steve asked as the train rocked them back and forth.

"Well once he gets his head out of his ass, we will. He's bringing the whole team down." Nat clearly was still bothered by his performance last night.

Steve was in awe at her brazen attitude. It was extremely attractive, hot even. He stared as Nat went on, she was definitely a woman after his heart.

"What?" She asked taking him out of his thoughts.

"Oh nothing. I just love that you're so passionate about the game. Maybe one day we can go."

"Yea, there's a game in a couple weeks. How about then?" She asked standing up to exit the train as the steel doors slid open.

"Sounds like a plan champ." He grinned.

"Champ? Really?" She laughed incredulously.

"Yea, why not?" He looked down at her putting his arm around her shoulder. Nat wrapped hers around his lower back as they walked in sync.

Nat shook her head with a chuckle "You're a complete cornball. Who knew lawyers could be so goofy?"

"We are nothing like how they show us on TV." He stated matter of factly.

"So I've learned." Nat said as they walked along the crowded street. Soon they were entering the door to the dance studio.

"So Stevie, how much do you actually know?" She asked as they entered the huge brick room. The exposed ceiling giving an industrial look to the area. Steve took in the room. The bright, ceiling high windows provided an adequate amount of natural light to dance without turning on the artificial ones.

"I know enough to tell you to watch your feet."

"Well how about we take things slow and learn how to do a simple waltz. It has all the basic elements of a dance so if you never learn anything else, you'll at least know to do these." She said breaking away to put her stuff down.

"Alright well I'm game. You'll learn that I'm a very eager student."

"Good. Those are my favorite kind." Nat teased as she walked over the stereo turning on some classical music. She slipped off her thin jacket exposing the unitard she wore. Her smooth creamy back exposed by the low cut. Her leggings hugged her lower half and Steve did his best not to stare. Turning around, she sauntered over to Steve who now suddenly felt tense. His shoulders were stiff and his arms stuck to his side as if she had him in a trance.

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