Chapter 3

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Steve came home another late night, it was nearing 11pm. He had a huge case that was working him hard. He got off the elevator and could hear the voices of his neighbors. They were highly irritating, every other night, it seems that they were arguing and fighting. It was mostly the guy yelling, but occasionally he would hear the woman yell back to stop or calm down.. He  was pretty sure, it was some kind of domestic abuse going on but he didn't want to get involved.  It wasn't his place. He walked down the hall and put his key in the door hoping that he can get to the TV and drown out the argument. If it wasn't the voices that would drive him mad, it would be the sound of glass constantly breaking. He figured he could catch the Dodgers game that he missed. He checked his DVR and played it. It wasn't long before the noise died down and the only sound he could hear was the game. Steve wasted no time, falling asleep as the Dodgers hit their third home run.

One minute his eyes were closed and he was listening to the game and the next, his eyes were opening to the sun beaming in through the half opened blinds. He stretched out and checked the time. It was 6:00. He quickly hopped up and threw on some clothes. He wanted to catch his morning run before he had to go to work. He only had an hour and a half. He grabbed his keys and shut the door, thankful for slam lock. Taking his normal route, he put his headphones in and started running, he ran to the East River. He was trying to cut his run time by 1 minute, so far he was at a 7-minute mile. He took a slight break once he arrived at the river, he was sweating and glistening as the sun rose. It was his favorite sight. It just reminded him more of why he loved his city so much. He checked the time and started off again on his run. 7 minutes later, he was back at his building. He slowed his pace and saw the fiery redhead, Natasha leaving with a guy.

"Natasha?" Both her and the man turned their head to look at Steve.

"Steve? Hi." She said surprised.

"What're you doing here?"

"I live here."

"Oh me too. I never noticed that." He lightly chuckled. "Guess that'll make it easier to get my shirt." He continued not noticing how she tensed.

"And you are?" Bruce interrupted.

"Oh, I'm Steve Rogers."

"Mhmm. Alright, well we have to go. Come on Nat." He said putting his arm around her and pulling her into him.

She just nodded and gave Steve a small goodbye.

"Bye Natasha." He threw a small smile before walking in. He couldn't believe it. One, she had a boyfriend and two she lived in his building and he never noticed her before. He glanced back at them and couldn't help but feel something was off. Maybe it was just the surprise of seeing her so he ignored the nagging feeling.

Doing his normal, routine, he got ready for work. He took a shower while Alexa played his morning playlist. At 7:30, his reminder went off letting him know, he needed to leave soon. He grabbed his briefcase and went to work.

He made it at his usual time and was greeted by Wanda again.

"Morning Stevie."

"Morning Wanda."

"Any messages?"

"Yes, just one from Natasha. She said that your shirt was ready for pick up and she could drop it off or give it to you later at home."

"Alright, I'll give her a call."

Wanda raised her eyebrow waiting for him to address the home portion of the call. He sighed giving in. "I found out that we actually live in the same building today."

"Wow what're the odds."

"I know it was crazy."

"Maybe it's a match made in heaven. First the coffee, now your buildings."

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