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May 2nd, 1998.

Blood ran down my face, the nasty taste of iron affecting my mouth in the worst way possible. The sweat that began to form on my face was mixing with the salty tears that were falling from my eyes, blurring my vision as I frantically looked around me. Suddenly a searing pain coursed through my side as I dropped to my knees, trying to compose every ounce of myself as I could. Everything was spinning around me as I was looking for anyone I knew - my father, my mother, my sister, but it was to no avail. I was alone and in pain, gripping my stomach tightly as blood ran down from my torso and pooled onto the cold and crumbled ground.

This wasn't right. This wasn't supposed to be happening. All around me I saw still and peaceful bodies - my former classmates had sacrificed their life for Hogwarts, and I was next. I closed my eyes and began to feel the pain remove itself from my body all at once.

"EMMA NO!" came a frantic and blood curdling scream, a scream so raw that it could make any grown man shiver in fear.

They ran over to me and started violently shaking me, trying to keep Death from grasping every part of my body. I opened my eyes slightly to see Fred Weasley - his face encompassed in fear and worry. Even with blood and dirt on his face, he looked as handsome as ever. I wish I could tell him how I felt for him, but I had missed my chance. Years of knowing him and I was too much of a bloody coward to confess my love and admiration. With all that aside, I was sure that he never felt the same way. For all eighteen years that I knew him, he never once showed any clear signs of liking me back - so I never confessed. And I never will. I only hope that someday he'll find someone who makes him feel the way that he makes me feel, all warm and bubbly inside. Although I didn't feel like that now. Now, all I felt was pain and freezing cold daggers on my mangled body.

Fred continued to shake me in effort to keep me awake and alive, but it wasn't working. I was far too gone.

"Don't leave me like this," Fred whispered.

That was the last thing I remembered before the cold rushed throughout my body, and I peacefully closed my eyes.


I kept shaking her lifeless body, frantically screaming her name in hopes that she would stay alive. That she would stay with me. I started to caress her bloody cheeks with my thumb, tears streaming down my face and affecting my vision of her, she was beautiful and lifeless at the same time. A nerve bending chill ran down my back. I can't believe how stupid I was. I had loved her for years, and I never told her. I would take anything back for the chance to tell her how I truly feel about her, but I couldn't. Death had already taken her away from me, and for the first time in my life, I felt completely hopeless and alone. I knew that I couldn't live a true and happy life without her. I couldn't truly move on.

Emma Grace Johnson. What a wonderful person she was. She was always there for me during the hardest parts of my life, and I never told her how much that meant to me. How much she meant to me.

The tears started to mix with my blood and sweat, stinging my eyes as I tried to hold on to her lifeless body once more. My throat began to swell and ache as I continued to scream her name. I realized that even if she was gone, I had to take her to Madame Pomfrey in the Great Hall. A sliver of hope passed through my heart as I held her limp body and started running towards the Great Hall, making sure to carefully hold her head in my hands.

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