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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the sunlight from my windows soak into my skin. It was a warm summer morning, which wasn't unusual for this time of year. Paige's leg was sprawled against the bedpost, and her head was resting gently on my stomach. Ginny was snuggled up to Hermione, and Fleur had been nestled into Paige's body. I was the only one awake.

I looked at the small clock on my desk - it was almost 10am. Carefully taking Paige's head off of me, I slipped out of bed and walked over to my closet, carefully making sure I didn't make too much noise so that they wouldn't wake up. 


Quickly grabbing a pair of clothes, I rushed into my bathroom, locked the door, and turned on the showerhead. The hot water rushed over every curve of my body, thoroughly waking me up and rejuvenating me after an exhausting and eventful night. The previous moments I had shared with Fred rushed through my mind, causing a smile to appear. It was a long wait, but I finally have what I wanted all along. Breaking away from my thoughts, I finished washing my face and my hair.

Soon after stepping out of the shower, I used the drying charm and put on the black jean shorts and t-shirt that I had previously grabbed out of my closet. The girls were still asleep, so I headed downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. Mother was bustling around the room, and Molly was sitting at the table in the dining room. 


"Good morning, dear!" Molly exclaimed, a sweet smile on her face. 

"Good morning Molly," I said, grabbing a chocolate muffin from the table. 

"Are the other girls awake yet?" my mum returned to the dining room with a pot of tea and a container of sugar cubes in hand.

"Nope, I'm the only one up so far. I'm not sure when they're getting up, we went to sleep pretty late last night so I wouldn't expect anything," 

A smirk appeared on mum's face, and she eyed Molly, "So, what did you girls talk about last night?"

My hand stopped near my mouth, a piece of muffin between my fingertips. They couldn't find out about Paige and Charlie or Fred and I yet, it wasn't the time. "Um, just the typical girl stuff" I replied quickly, "you know, just hair and nails. And we talked about food too. Oh and we played some games and stuff, and then it was pretty late so we fell asleep."

My mum and Molly nodded, their faces seemed like they were slightly disappointed? It was clear that they were expecting a different answer, but for reasons known to myself and the girls, I knew that their reactions would change in due time. 

"Gosh Fleur, you can't just say stuff like that!" Ginny laughed making her way downstairs, the rest of the girls following behind her.

"Say stuff like what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at Ginny and Fleur. Paige burst into fits of laughter, and Hermione rolled her eyes. Paige smirked at me and made an action, signaling to me that they were talking about what had happened last night. Instantly I knew, and I nodded.

Mum was incredibly confused but shook it off quickly, "Well whatever that was, we're glad you're up!" "There's food at the table," Molly added.

The girls sat down at the table, each grabbing a plate and filling it with breakfast food from the middle of the dining table. Pretty quickly after filling their plates, Ginny or Paige started a conversation, I wasn't sure which one. I was far too zoned out to comprehend anything that was being said at the table. My thoughts were filled up with something else, or rather, someone.

Quickly finishing the rest of my muffin, I headed upstairs and made my way to my room. I grabbed my favorite book that was set on my desk and made my way to the chair in the corner of my room, diving deep into the words that were written on the pages. 

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