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My eyes opened slowly as the sunlight from my window shone into my room, blinding me for a few seconds before I got used to the natural daylight. I felt someone's arms around me, and I looked over to see Fred. Bloody hell, was he a beautiful person. I honestly didn't think he could become more attractive, yet with the sun shining in his fiery red hair and his soft freckled skin, I was proved to be incorrect. Fred started shifting in his sleep, causing him to wake up and gaze at me with those captivating hazel eyes. "Good morning, love," he said in a deep and raspy voice. His morning voice was honest to Merlin the most attractive thing I have ever heard. "Good morning, Freddie," I replied. This was the most peaceful I have felt in a long time. We just stared into each other's eyes, not even talking. We didn't need to, I loved him that much. 

Suddenly, my door was slammed open by Paige, disrupting the trance that we created. In my annoyance I wished I was an only child, but she came first so I couldn't do anything about it. Plus I was adopted, so I didn't really get any say in that either.

"Hey Emma! Time to get-" her sentence was cut short when she saw Fred and I wrapped into each other's arms.

Her eyes basically bugged out of her head in shock and she started laughing as loud as she could.

Between her fits of laughter she managed to say "Well it's about time you guys shagged!"

Fred and I looked at each other, both of us feeling hot blushes creep up on our cheeks. "We didn't shag, Paige," I said embarrassed, and Fred added, "Couldn't say the same about you and Charlie though" with a smirk. Once Paige heard that, she immediately stopped laughing and began to blush. 

"Um, we haven't actually done anything yet," she said with an embarrassed look on her face. Just then, an idea popped up in her brain, leading her to slam the door shut, and run to the bed, plopping herself right next to Fred and I. I looked at her with a confused look, and Fred looked at me in annoyance of our new guest. 

"Soooo Fred," Paige said with a song in her throat. 

Fred looked at me first and then groaned in irritation, "What, Paige?" he finally said.

Paige's face lit up and started to ask multiple questions about Charlie, annoying us further. But she really liked the man, and I couldn't blame her. Fred answered every question that she asked, the conversation went on for at least five whole minutes.

"Honestly, Paige, I really think he does like you. He's usually shy about stuff like this, but that doesn't mean he's not interested. And besides, you guys have literally been flirting for the past five years, it's honestly kind of annoying considering how much you like him. Just shoot your shot and he should return the favor. There's no way that he doesn't feel the same way about you. You're a really incredible woman and he'd be dumb to pass you up," Fred finally ended the conversation. 

Paige just blushed furiously and starting hugging the both of us. "You're such a wonderful person Fred, no wonder Emma has a crus-" I instantly throwed her daggers with my eyes, threatening her to shut the bloody hell up. Fred wasn't going to find out this way. She caught my eyes and started to leave the room, silently apologizing for almost letting my secret slip out. 

After Paige left, Fred looked at me with a huge smile on his face. I had hoped that he didn't hear Paige, except I'm pretty sure he did. He didn't looked confused or freaked out though, so I'm guessing that he felt the same way I did. I gave him a small grin before telling him that we should head downstairs for breakfast.


When we went downstairs into the kitchen, my dad gave Fred and I a look of shock and confusion, his eyes darting back and forth between the two of us. My mum wasn't super shocked and she greeted us with warm smiles and a huge "Good morning!" and of course Paige wasn't even phased, considering how she barged in on us cuddling just an hour earlier.

The start of breakfast was fine until my dad lowered his cup of tea and newspaper and said, "So, sleep well?" while staring Fred down from across the table. Fred choked on his waffles and began to gulp his orange juice as fast as he could, while Paige just blurted out laughing. 

"Eric, don't start now. They're adults," my mum said while giving the side eye. 

"No it's okay Mum, besides we didn't even do anything," I said quietly, trying not to laugh.

Paige backed me up and we explained the whole situation, of how Fred and I fell asleep in each other's arms and how nothing else occurred during the night. I had to admit though, I would give anything to be in his arms again. It had only been a few hours, but I missed his warm touch tremendously. 

My father nodded and went back to reading his daily newspaper and drinking his tea, while my mum, Paige, Fred, and I talked about birthday plans. It was coming up faster than I wanted it to, but I was still excited at the same time. I definitely needed this party, and I'm sure everyone else felt the same way. We needed something good to look forward for. 

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