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I awoke to a knock coming from my door, I rolled over to check the time and saw that it was 1:00pm, I had slept for about an hour and a half. My nap was very well needed as I felt way more rejuvenated then I had when I made my way to my room. 

Another knock sounded at the door before I answered with a small "Come in!"

The door slowly opened and in walked the last person I expected, Fred Weasley. 

I shifted my body so that I was sitting up, and he started to make his way towards my bed. He sat on the bed awkwardly, like it was laced with nails and daggers. Fred started to open his mouth to say something, but he slowly closed it. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but I knew something was up. He was avoiding my eyes and he wasn't talking, this wasn't like him at all.

"What's wrong Freddie?" I asked, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence.

He finally latched his beautiful hazel eyes with mine, and started crying. Fred wasn't the most emotional person I've met, but he sure wasn't afraid to cry in front of people when something was upsetting him. I didn't know what else to do, so I just held on to him, never wanting to let him go. He buried his head into my neck and after a few minutes his sobs began to cease.


Today was the day that Emma was getting home from the hospital. She had been there for exactly one month, and I visited her every day. Except for the bathroom, I never left her side, I didn't want to. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her if she was alone, so I made sure that she wasn't. I was nervous to see her, the last time I was in her hospital room she looked rather weak and tired, and I wasn't sure how she would feel when she was in Johnson Manor. She had been on my mind all day, and I just couldn't fight the urge not to see her. Paige was currently at the Burrow with Charlie, most likely flirting. They always had a connection and attraction to each other, but sadly neither of them had made a move. Honestly it was kind of annoying seeing as how Charlie never stopped talking about her. Putting those thoughts aside, I disapparated from the Burrow.

When I knocked on the huge door of Johnson Manor, Angelica opened the door. She smiled at me and welcomed me into her home, already knowing who I came here to see. 

"Emma is upstairs in her room, I think she's sleeping but you can head on up. She'll be happy to see you," she added a huge smirk at the end of her sentence, which made me blush. Angelica Johnson somehow knew everything about everyone, no matter what it was. Obviously, she had found out that I liked Emma.

"Thanks Angelica," I said before making my way up the grand staircase. In all the years that I knew Emma, seeing her never failed to make butterflies rush through my stomach. I needed to tell her how I felt about her, even if she didn't feel the same way. I had almost lost her once, and I bloody well was not going to lose her again. I just didn't know when the right time was...

I knocked on the door once, but no reply came. After a few seconds I heard rustling of sheets, which signaled to me that she was now awake. I knocked on the door once more, and heard a soft "Come in!"

Slowly I opened the door, and I saw her sitting up in her bed, a sleepy smile sprawled across her beautiful face. I made my way to her bed and sat down on it. For some reason, when I came closer to her I became rather nervous, which only created an awkward silence in the air. This was the absolute last thing I wanted to happen, but I just couldn't face her. I looked at her deep blue eyes and opened my mouth to tell her how much I loved her and how much she had scared me during the War. All the feelings and unsaid words rushed out of me and I started sobbing. "Great."

Without another thought, Emma instantly grabbed me and brought me in for a warm hug. I nestled my head into the crook of her neck, holding her like my life depended on it. I felt extremely safe and loved, and my crying began to calm down. Honestly, she probably thought that I was being pathetic, but I didn't care. We were together, our bodies touching in warm embrace. This was truly all that I had ever wanted.

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