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As Fred nestled into my neck, I started to stroke his hair through my fingers. I hated seeing Fred this way, and I would do anything to make him happy again. I cared about him so much, he didn't even know. Someday I would tell him, when the time was right. I only hope that he feels the same way that I do, otherwise I would incredibly embarrass myself in the process. But that wasn't the problem to think about right now. Fred was hurt, and I didn't know why yet. I'm sure he would tell me once he calmed down, we always talked to each other about things like this. I remember once when I was twelve years old, Paige had pushed me and yelled at me for something that I didn't even do. It hurt me so much that like the sensitive cry baby I am, I ran from Johnson Manor to the Burrow, telling Fred what happened.

"Emma?" he said quietly, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes Fred?"

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

I started giggling hard, the soreness from my torso throbbing as I laughed.

He lifted his head and stared at me, a confused look on his face, but honestly I couldn't stop laughing, no matter how much it hurt to do so.

Only Fred would be the person to ask me how I'm doing when he was literally crying into my neck just a mere thirty seconds ago. No matter how much he was hurting, he always made sure that his friends and family came before him.

"Ems, could you please tell me what's so funny?" he asked with a small grin on his face.

"Fred, you were literally sobbing a few seconds ago, and you're asking me how I'm feeling? I should be asking how you're feeling!" 

He started laughing with me, the irony of his words seeping into his brain.

"Yeah, yeah I guess you're right," he said with a giggle.

I took his face in my hands, and wiped his tears away with my thumbs. We were so close to each other, our faces only a few feet away from contact. I tried to push the thoughts of kissing him out of my mind, but they wouldn't go away. Of course this was the time where my hormones wanted to overpower my head. But instead, I looked into his hazel eyes and whispered, "To answer your question, I'm doing just fine. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling alright, Ems. Now that you're here with me," he said with a smirk. I instantly rolled my eyes at his flirty actions. Bloody hell that smirk would be the death of me. His smirks and winks never faltered to put butterflies in my stomach, although this was different. They weren't nervous butterflies, they were tingly and warm, indicating a feeling of safety and love. Someday he would know how much I loved him, but today was not that day. I was too scared.

After a few minutes of peace, he told me how he was feeling, and why he was here. My heart broke for him, I wish there was more things that I could do for him. I knew that my family and the Weasley's were scared and worried for me when I was in the hospital, but I didn't know how much. I truly felt lucky to have people care about me, since I know that some people aren't fortunate to experience that. We talked for an even longer period of time - just the two of us, in the safety of my room. Fred told me about what happened to me in the War, and in full detail. He told me how when he saw my lifeless body in the middle of the rubble, he felt like his entire world had just ended. How he never left my side in the hospital bed, no matter how tired or uncomfortable he was in that tiny wooden chair. Maybe there was something between us, maybe it wasn't one sided like I thought. There was no way to truly tell, but it gave me an inkling of hope. Maybe I would fall in love with a certain red headed boy. One thing was for sure - I wouldn't be against it. Fred Weasley was the love of my life, and he always has been. We grew up together and we've been there for each other, no matter what was going on. I just needed to get over myself and tell him when the time was right. But when was that time going to be? 

By the time that I broke out of my thoughts, Fred was asleep in my arms, his chest rising and falling ever so slightly. He looked like such an angel, his face was soft and his eyelids fluttering for a few seconds at a time. For the first times in months, I felt safe and happy. Just like with Fred, sleep overtook me and I started to close my droopy eyes. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms and holding each other close, neither of us wanting it to end.

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