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As much as I was happy to see my friends and family, I was still confused. No one had told me exactly what happened, and I was afraid to ask. But I needed to know. What caused me to end up here, and what happened to the War?

After a few moments of silence, I finally decided to ask.

"What happened to me? Did we win the War?"

As soon as I asked, everyone started to become quiet. No one was telling me anything, and I wasn't sure why. Finally, Fred decided to speak up.

"You-" his voice broke and tears started to well up in his eyes. "Y-You almost died, Emma." Once his words hit my brain, I started to cry, but I wasn't the only one. Molly, Paige, Hermione, Fleur, and a few other people started to sob quietly. I grabbed Fred's hands and squeezed it gently, never wanting to let go. Everyone stood around me in my hospital bed for a few more moments, until my sister told everyone that Fred and I should talk in private. I was confused at the notion, but everyone slowly started to stumble out of the room, leaving Fred and I alone.

"Fred, what's going on?" I asked, still holding onto his soft hand.

Fred took one look at me, and broke into loud sobs. 

"You almost died in my arms, Em," he looked at me with such pain and I started to cry even harder. I had almost lost my life. At eighteen years old. I had so much to live for, yet in that one instance my life had almost ended.

Through his cries, Fred managed to speak again, breaking myself away from my thoughts. "Your eyes fluttered close and-and you stopped breathing for a few minutes. I was shaking your body and you weren't responding, I was screaming your name hoping that you would suddenly wake up at the sound of my voice." His eyes were red and puffy, and his voice raspy. "I had almost lost you," he whispered.

He hugged me carefully and put his head against mine. We stayed like this for what felt like forever, sobbing into each other's necks and enjoying each other's warm embrace. It felt like we were the only people on earth.

Serendipity: Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now