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Everyone cheered when the candles disappeared, leaving only the cake on the table. My mum grabbed a knife and began to start cutting the cake, making sure that every piece was as equal as she could make it. Molly and my mum handed out plates with cake on them, and everyone dug in, especially Ron.

"It tastes like chocolate!" Ron said energetically.

"Mine tastes like lemon," Hermione said with a confused face.

The flavor that I tasted was some sort of raspberry vanilla. I though it was rather odd that most of us had tasted different flavors, although I found out later that my mum and Molly laced the cake with magic. Whoever ate it would taste the flavor that they desired, which was incredibly genius of them.

In about thirty minutes, the entire cake was gone. Everyone ate as much as they could, imagining different flavors every single time to get a different outcome. 

The enchanted stereo started to play music again, and so everyone headed for the dance floor. Most of the adults stayed near the tables talking, but my friends and I continued to dance as much as we could, enjoying each other's company every single second. A few minutes later Bill and Fleur arrived on the dance floor and started dancing together, and then Charlie asked Paige to dance with him. I guess they had finally taken things into their own hands, because they seemed more lovey dovey and flirty than usual (if that was even possible).

By the time that the enchanted stereo stopped playing music, it was late. I checked the clock to see that it was 10pm. The more fun we were having with each other, the quicker the time seemed like it moved. But nevertheless, after the music completely came to a pause, my mum called all of us over for presents. 

Everyone gathered and sat around the table, and I opened all of my presents. Even though I didn't ask for a lot of presents, the table seemed a lot fuller than usual. 

I received some beautiful homemade sweaters from Molly, some clothes from Paige and my mother, some books from Hermione, and some money from my father. Neville and Hannah bought me a cute little plant, and I was so in love with it. Draco had given me a leather brown book that could act as a journal, and Ron had given me some of my favorite Muggle chocolates. I had no idea where he even found them, but it was so sweet that he had remembered such a little thing about me. I didn't want to open all the presents just yet, so I asked if we could go back to dancing until the party ended.

Two hours later, at 12am, people began to leave the Manor and go home. I became super good friends with Rose, and we had even planned a lunch date with each other. Everything seemed to fall into place. Although I hadn't seen some of my friends for a while, it was like we had never been apart. 

I looked from across my shoulder, and I could see Fred talking to George and Charlie, Bill joined them a little bit later. 

While I was staring at the boys, Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, and Paige came rushing over to me, saying that we should have a sleepover later tonight, instead of separating ways and going home to different houses. I absolutely loved the idea, and I was excited about our Girls Night. We literally hadn't had one in so long, it would be nice to relax and hang just with my girls for a while. 

When we were done talking and planning our sleepover for later, all of us turned our attention to the boys that were huddled in a group. Ron, Harry, and Percy had joined them now, and they were all talking about something, glancing at us every now and then. Every time Fred looked at me, it was extremely hard to focus. The mischievous look in his eyes and his charming smile always enticed me, but these past few months it had become stronger. I had to do something.

I excused myself from the group and started to walk towards the boys, trying my best not to fall over or stumble, even though I was a bundle of nerves and anxiety. 

"Fred, can I talk to you? It's important," Fred gave me a confused but intrigued look, and excused himself from his brothers.

I lead him over to the back staircase, where no once could possibly see us.

He gave me a mischievous smile and glanced down at me, his hazel eyes piercing my soul. 

There was a few seconds of comfortable silence, but I finally gave in. I couldn't hold it in any longer, it was time. If this wasn't the right time, then I don't possibly know what was.

"Fred, I have to say something," I paused for a few seconds and looked into his eyes, then I continued. "I don't know when these feelings for you emerged, but I like you, and I have for a while. And I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just had to get it off of my chest."

I looked at Fred, his face was hard to read and I didn't know what was going on in his mind, but something up there was stirring. 

I started to speak again, more nervous than I had ever felt in my life, "Fred, could you say something?" I held my head down, tears started to well in my eyes and I tried to hold them back, I couldn't cry now, it was absolutely pathetic.

I looked up at him again, and without warning he carefully lifted by chin up with his gentle fingers, and crashed his lips into mine. He cupped my face with his hands and deepened the kiss, a wave of excitement rushed over me. Then, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, which took me by surprise. The sudden change made me melt at his touch, as the space between us was fully closed. I had never felt better. Believe it or not, this was the best kiss I had ever experienced. His touch and his lips caused tingles to run up and down my body, it melted my skin and formed butterflies in my stomach.

He suddenly pulled away, making me groan in frustration. The only thing I wanted to do was kiss him.

"Emma I've been feeling the exact same way. I've liked you since 4th year but I never had the courage to tell you, and I was afraid that if you didn't feel the same way then our friendship would be ruined," his face was simply glowing, he looked so beautiful that way.

He continued to kiss me, the tingles and butterflies returning across my body. I had never felt happier than I did in this exact moment. This was the beginning of our relationship, and I couldn't wait for what the next chapter would be. It sounded incredibly cheesy, but Fred was my person. He is my person. Everything just felt right, it had never felt this way with anyone else I've dated. 

He pulled away from the kiss once more, and whispered into my ear, "Can I take you out on an official date?" 

His words filled my heart and his warm breath made the hairs on the back of my next stand up.

"Of course you can," I whispered, looking deep in his hazel eyes.

Serendipity: Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora