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A few hours later, I began to get ready for my birthday party. I stripped myself of my day clothes and put on my birthday dress, which was a beautiful dusty blue color that stopped just above my knees. My heels were rather comfortable, they were sparkly and clear, almost like the Cinderella story that my mother told me about. I looked over to my right, and saw Fred's earrings in the small black box. Just looking at the present gave me immense butterflies, I couldn't believe that he cared that much for me. I delicately took them out of the box, and put them in. They looked absolutely beautiful, and it matched my dress perfectly.

Much to my dismay, my mother insisted that my birthday party would be a formal event. I didn't mind wearing dresses, but I would have rather preferred my birthday party attire to be casual. But I decided not to argue with her about it, since she would probably win anyways. She hardly ever lost arguments, Paige also inherited that from her. If Hogwarts had a debate team, they both would've been on it. 

I made my way down the grand staircase and into the ballroom. Since the party hadn't started yet, only the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, and my family were there. 

From across the ballroom, I saw a tall man with fiery red hair in a black suit. Gosh he looked absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't stop staring at him. Our eyes met for a while and I could see a blush creep up on his cheeks. Everyone rushed over to me at once, gushing over how I looked. 

George came up to me and asked me a question, "Hey Emma? Is it alright if I invited a girl to your party? I'm sorry for not asking earlier but it just kind of happened,"

"Oh no you're fine! What's her name?"

"Rose Smith, we met at my shop a little bit ago," he tried to bite back a smile, but I was too smart for that, he obviously liked her.

"Wasn't she a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts? She sounds so familiar but I can't exactly remember," 

"Yeah! I believe she was your year, although she might've been Ron's. Anyways, she's a super nice girl. I might ask her out on a date later tonight if she seems to mix well with everyone," by now he was full on blushing, it was honestly the first time I had ever seen George blush. 

By now it was 7pm, so guests would be arriving soon. I was so excited to see all of my Hogwarts friends, I hadn't seen them since the War. Most of them visited me while I was in the hospital, but my parents tried to keep a limit on who saw me, so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed. After George and everyone else left, Fred pulled me aside towards the back of the ballroom.

I rolled my eyes at him, "What now Fred?"

"I told you, I have another present for you," Fred pulled out another black box from behind his back, although this time it was a few sizes bigger than the first.

"Open it," Fred handed me the box and I hesitantly took it, opening it slowly.

When I opened it, I saw a gorgeous shiny diamond necklace. I gasped at the sight, it was incredibly beautiful and it matched the earrings that he had given me earlier. I stared at him in unbelief, and he started laughing. He grabbed the necklace and delicately put it around my neck, his hands touching lightly on my skin. The feeling of skin to skin contact made shivers go up and down my entire body.

He wrapped me in another hug so intently, not having a care who was around us.

Rose Smith was the first to arrive. She was such a beautiful girl, with fair skin, blonde hair, and deep blue ocean eyes. She got along with everyone she met, and we shared lots of laughs. Every time George was around her, she couldn't help but blush and break into a huge smile. If I were to be completely honest, she was a perfect match for George.

Then Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott arrived, as soon as  they saw me they ran towards me and enclosed me in a giant hug.

"So, news on the street is that you two are together now," I said with a smirk.

"Well, it seems like the news is correct," Neville said with a huge smile. Hannah gave him the biggest blush, and it was the cutest thing. I had been rooting for them to get together forever, and I'm glad that Neville finally made the first move.

Dean, Seamus, Luna, Draco, and a few other guests that were invited arrived within the next few minutes. After everyone was here, we started to head to the buffet table, Ron was already there of course, gulping down chicken like his life depended on it. Honestly it blew my mind sometimes how much he could eat. Hermione made her way over to Ron and started talking to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Ron looked incredibly happy and Hermione started laughing, gasping for breath every now and then. 

Later in the evening, the birthday cake that my mum and Molly had baked was brought out. It was simply the cutest cake I had ever seen! The colors of lavender and violet with a few touches of white was spread across the cake in the form of frosting, and on the top in white lettering was "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!"

Everyone gathered around the cake as the music died down, and my mum began to chant the candle spell. Suddenly, nineteen birthday candles popped up from the cake, engulfed in tiny flames from the wax. 

"Go on Darling, make a wish!" my dad said, everyone started to talk in excited chatters here and there.

Before I leaned in to blow my candles out, I looked around at my friends and family. I loved every single one of them so much, and I was internally grateful for them being in my life. I honestly don't know what I would've done without any one of them, especially my parents and Paige.

I leaned in towards the cake and made a wish before blowing them out, "I wish I was confident."

Serendipity: Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora