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"Okay Paige, it your turn now," Ginny said, sneaking a smirk towards her direction. By this point in time, Fleur, Ginny, and Hermione had already gone and shared some stories of their men, and now there were two people left who had to share. Paige, and myself. No one had used the Veritaserum yet, but I was feeling a little nervous. I bloody well did not want to be the first one to use it, and that was for sure.

"Okay, okay. I guess it my turn," Paige finished her sentence and paused for a few seconds, looking down and biting her lip. "So a few hours before the party, we kissed," she finally blurted out. To say the least, no one was surprised by this information, but we all broke out into cheers nevertheless.

"Oh my gosh finally!" Hermione squealed excitedly, "So who worked up the balls first, you or Charlie?" Ginny added. "Charlie did, which kind of surprised me. Either way I was planning on doing something because it was long over due, but I'm glad he made the first move. It definitely eased my nerves." 

Fleur looked at Paige with a knowing glance, "Was there anything else?" 

Paige hesitated for a bit, until she spit it out. "Yeah, actually. After we kissed we started talking about our feelings and all of that. Turns out that you guys were right, he said he'd been crushing on me ever since our first year of school," she gave a shy smile before continuing, "and we decided that we're going to make our relationship official. We were planning on telling everyone tomorrow, but since we're having our girl's night I just couldn't hold it back anymore. So technically you guys are the first to know," everyone was chatting excitedly about Paige and Charlie's new relationship, grins beaming from everyone's face.

"Also I don't think you're the only ones who spilled the beans tonight, the boys are having a guy's night back at the Burrow. Fred mentioned something about Charlie not being able to shut up about you, so I think he might've told them too," I said, breaking up the giggles and the chatter. Paige had the biggest smile on her face, and everyone else had their mouths wide open.

 "Emma are you serious? You're not messing with me are you?"

"Of course I'm serious Paige. Charlie's crazy about you, and he always has been! He's as excited as you are, maybe even more," I said, raising my eyebrows. Ginny and Hermione blurted out laughing, causing everyone to follow. 

After everyone calmed down from Paige's news, Ginny looked at me with a curious face.

"Wait Emma, how did you know that the boy's were having a guy's night? Even I didn't know that," by now, everyone was staring at me, the silence in the room becoming too loud. There was no point in hiding it any longer, so I started to speak.

"I um, so Fred and I might've..." 

"I knew it! I knew you guys did something when I barged in that one morning!" Paige beamed at me excitedly. Ginny had a smirk on her face, Fleur was grinning from ear to ear, and Hermione's  mouth was open in shock.

"No I swear when you caught us that one morning, we didn't do anything. It was actually on the morning of my birthday when something happened," I glanced at the clock near my bed, it was 1:00am, so it technically had been the morning before, instead of a few hours ago.

"Yesterday morning, when the boys and Arthur came over to set up for my party, Fred took me aside and gave me a birthday present," I hopped off the bed and ran to my desk, returning with the diamond earrings and necklace that he had given me, only hours before. 

"He gave me these earrings first," I held them out, showing the girls. 

"C'est magnifique, those are beautiful!" Fleur said, Ginny, Hermione, and Paige nodding in agreement. 

"So that's why he asked me what kind of jewelry you liked!" Hermione blurted. Ginny and Paige stared at her, signaling for her to continue. "A few months ago, I think in January? He asked me what kind of jewelry you liked. I was confused as to why he asked, but I told him anyways. But now it makes sense!"

My heart started beating quickly, and butterflies started to form in my stomach. He had been thinking about what birthday present to get me since January? It was unexpected but it felt nice, to know that he cared that much about me.

"Oh my gosh Emma, go on! I want to hear what's next," Ginny was practically begging at this point, and Paige looked like she was going to burst if I didn't continue.

"Okay well he gave me the earrings and told me that he wanted me to wear them at my party, so I did. And then fast forward hours later, I entered the ballroom and our eyes met from across the room. My heart was practically beating out of my chest, and I had nervous butterflies all over, I actually felt like I was going to be sick. But in a good way I guess? He started walking towards me with a red box in his hands, and then he handed it to me. This necklace was in the box," I said, grabbing the necklace and showing it to them. 

"Bloody hell that is gorgeous! Who knew that my brother had such good taste," Ginny gawked at the diamond necklace, holding it delicately. 

"Yeah that's how I reacted," I said, blushing furiously. 

"And then when he put it on me, I basically melted at his touch. The sick feeling was gone, but I still had butterflies, I mean who wouldn't?" 

"It's the Weasley power," Ginny smirked. Everyone else agreed, bursting into fits of laughter at Ginny's remark.

"Throughout that whole night, we kept sharing glances with each other. Honestly I couldn't take it anymore, so I pulled him aside. I think by this time it was like 12am? Most people had already left the party, so it was the perfect time," I said, taking a pause.

Ginny and Paige were staring intensely at me, their focus latched. Hermione and Fleur were waiting excitedly for me to continue, their eyes wide.

"So I took him aside, and I kissed him. It felt wonderful and long over due, but kind of scary at the same time. We both confessed our feelings and then that was basically it. It just felt so right, there's no other way to explain it," I didn't mind it, but I was probably grinning like a complete dork. I took another pause, looking at their expressions.

"And then at the Burrow when you guys were getting your bags, Fred and I were downstairs. We were talking and um, kissing, and we started talking about making our thing public. We didn't decide when we would tell our parents yet, but we decided that we'd tell you guys. So there you have it," I finished, grinning.

Ginny tackled me and Paige at the same time, "Welcome to the family!" she whispered yelled. Hermione burst in to giggles and Fleur rolled her eyes, laughing at the same time.

"Everything is falling in to place," I said, breaking away from Ginny's grasp. "Fred and I are together, and Charlie and Paige are finally together," "I know, wouldn't mom and Molly be so proud of us right now?" Paige added, giggling.

"Bloody hell, they're going to lose their minds! I want to be there when you guys tell them," Ginny said. 

"Oh I'm so not missing that. When she found out that Ron and I were together, Molly basically baked me a wedding cake," Hermione said, blushing.

"I mean we'll have to figure out when exactly we're going to tell them, but we'll let you guys know," Paige said, glancing at me.

The next few minutes were a blur, everyone was chatting and telling stories and giggling. Our girl's night was long over due, and it felt like home, being with all of them.

After the excitement faded away, everyone fell asleep, curling into each other's bodies. My thoughts subsided and my drowsiness took over, making my heavy eyes close.

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