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We quickly ran down the stairs, Fred's huge feet making clunking noises, alerting the people's attention to the base of the grand staircase.

"Ah, Fred, how lovely to see you here! Are you eating breakfast with us today?" my mum greeted Fred with a warm smile, and motioned over to the dainty plates and platters of food.

"Yes ma'am, I couldn't resist," he replied, pulling out a chair and sitting right across from Paige. Paige gave me a look with raised eyebrows, her gaze moving back and forth from Fred and I. Hermione and Ginny didn't seem to comprehend that Fred was even in the room, as they were blabbering about Merlin knows what to Molly and my mother. At the end of the table, Fleur gave me an exaggerated wink that made me giggle silently.

Fred was obviously hungry, as he piled three muffins and a whole bunch of scrambled eggs onto his plate. Ever since their third year, Fred and George had always eaten twice their body size in a day's worth, and between the two of them and Ron, Molly was always prepared to have extra food at the Burrow.

"Molly dear, will the rest of your sons be joining us for breakfast? I always make extra just in case," Mum asked, which caused everyone to turn their attention to the center of the dining room, where Molly and my mum had been.

Molly looked deep in thought for a few seconds before answering, "I'm not sure. For Merlin's sake I don't even know if they're awake yet," Molly turned towards Fred, who was finishing his last muffin, "Fred dear, can you go check on them and ask if they are planning on joining us?"

Fred reached across the table for a napkin and rubbed it on his lips, a few muffin crumbs here and there falling onto the dining room floor.

"Oh, of course Mum. Can Paige and Emma come with me?"

Paige's attention turned towards Fred and I, a rather confused look on her face. I shrugged my shoulders at her, and the three of us stood up simultaneously.

"I don't see why not, just be back quickly," Molly said, rushing us out the door.

Once we stepped outside, Fred grabbed a hold of my wrist, and I grabbed Paige's.



In just a few seconds, we had apparated from Johnson Manor to the front dirt trail that led to the Burrow.

"I wanted you guys to tag along so that we could discuss the matters with Charlie. You know, about telling our parents," Fred started walking towards the Burrow, Paige and I following him ever so closely.

"Well we aren't going to tell them today, are we?" Paige jogged a little to keep up, you could practically hear the nervousness in her voice.

Fred turned back around to face her and rolled his eyes dramatically, then he said, "I don't know mate, why don't we go and talk with Charlie about it?"

Paige softly punched Fred in the arm, making him react as dramatically as he could, which made me giggle. For as long as I'd known him, I would have to say that he's always one for theatrics.

Wrapping an arm around me, Fred and I entered the Burrow while Paige entered right behind us.


The Burrow was empty and silent, which was rather unnerving. Every single time I had gone to the Burrow, it was always bustling and chaotic. Even in the early mornings when people were still sleeping, Molly had always been downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast, or in the living room reading the new addition to the Daily Prophet. Because Molly was currently at my house, the whole house was silent. I had never seen it this way, but it wasn't my favorite thing in the world. I liked the chaoticness of the Weasley family. Without it, they were just like every other Pureblood family in the Wizarding World - boring.

Serendipity: Fred WeasleyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя