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June 2nd, 1998.

A month had passed since the War. Although everyone was overjoyed about Voldemort's demise and the Death Eaters surrender, it wasn't the same. We had lost so many great people. They had sacrificed their lives for the great good, and in the end it was worth it. Of course we would always miss them, but the end of the War meant new things. We had the ability and the opportunity to move on, to create a new generation and live life to the fullest. The scars that I formed would always remind me of what I lost, but also of what I gained.

When I arrived home from St. Mungo's, Johnson Manor was bustling with house-elves. I was unsure of the reason why, but I set it aside. I was just happy to finally be home, able to sleep in my own bed once again. Once I got situated in my room, Paige and my parents asked me to come downstairs so that we could all talk.

"What's up," I asked, grabbing an apple from the dining room table. I was absolutely starving, I tried to avoid the hospital food at St. Mungo's because of how it tasted - it wasn't the most pleasant food in the world, that was for sure. 

My mum was the first one to speak up, snapping me away from my thoughts about food.

"Darling, we were wondering what you would like to do for your birthday this year. It is only a month away, after all," she spoke in a calm voice. Was she serious? My birthday was the absolute last thing that was swarming my brain at the time.

"My birthday? Why would I care about that at a time like this?" I asked, irritated at the thought of even celebrating it.

Then Paige spoke up, "Emma we just want to continue our lives. We don't want to dwell on the past, and we were all thinking that if you had a huge birthday party that we could invite everyone we know. Maybe it would be a boost of morale? We understand if you don't want to celebrate it publicly, but it would be something to consider."

She was right. Everyone needed some sort of distraction at this time, and maybe my birthday could provide that. I knew bloody well that I needed a distraction.

"You're right Paige. I think everyone could use of boost of morale right now, given everything that has happened. But I don't want presents from the guests. If my friends and family want to give me birthday gifts then that's fine, but I don't want anyone else to give me anything, not after what we've all suffered," I said. 

My parents and sister agreed at the reasonable request with smile on their faces. This wasn't how I imagined my nineteenth birthday to be celebrated, but at least I was alive. I had the chance to live another year, and I was going to take the opportunity. It was my life, and my rules. I could finally live as freely as I wanted, without the fear that once plagued me only a few months ago.


I had only been home for a few hours, but I was desperately tired and in need of a nap. The energy that I had at the beginning of the day was already drained, and my torso was as sore as ever. Paige had already left the house, most likely to go see Charlie Weasley once again. She had liked him for years, but neither of them had made the first move. Honestly it was kind of cute to watch the two of them in the same room. They always flirted and shared glances with each other, but nothing more than that. To be truthful, Paige was a hopeless romantic when it came to Charlie, but I couldn't blame her. I felt exactly the same way with Fred. I giggled at the thought, who would've thought that the two Johnson sisters would be head over heels over two certain red headed boys?

I slowly made my way upstairs, changing into a sports bra and shorts. Suddenly, the mirror that was in the corner of my room caught my eye. Even though the War had occurred a month ago, this was the first time that I saw the scars across my bruised body. There was a deep diagonal white scar across my torso that started from my armpit and travelled down to my right hip. I didn't know that the scar was this big, but considering how much pain I was in, I wasn't exactly surprised at the sight. Tears started to well in my eyes, and I climbed into my queen sized bed, crying myself to sleep as the memories of the War flashed through my head.

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