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After my kiss with Fred, I couldn't stop thinking about anything else. It was like I was put in a trance, except I didn't mind it. The feeling that rushed through my body as our lips touched was simply magical - to say the least. I had no idea how I was going to last the whole night at the sleepover, without spilling any details about my magical night. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they knew... I don't think they would surprised, but I wasn't sure how they would react. 

"Alright boys, tomorrow morning we will meet to get all of this cleaned up, but for now, I expect all of you to get a good night's sleep," my father said. He had previously gathered everyone who was left at the party, which was the Weasley's and my family. My parents and Molly and Arthur were still talking, but the rest of the Weasley's had already disapparated to the Burrow for the night. Ginny, Hermione, and Fleur had to get their bags from the Burrow, so Paige and I decided to go with them.

"All right well we'll be quick upstairs, I just have to grab a few minor things and then we'll be right back down," Ginny said hurriedly, rushing up the stairs. "You guys can come upstairs with us or wait down here!" Hermione added as she ran up the wooden stairs, Fleur following after her. Paige decided to go up with them, and all of a sudden I was left in the living room of the Burrow.

"Well, well, well. I didn't expect you to be back for round two so quickly," Fred said, coming out of the kitchen. In his hands was a can of whipped cream and a tub of chocolate ice cream. He set down the objects on the counter, and quickly pulled me in by the waist, our bodies instantly touching. 

I opened my mouth to ask why he had ice cream and whipped cream, but all I could manage was an embarrassing giggle. He smirked and I fell head over heels, like always. His delicate lips brushed over mine, sending intense shivers up and down my spine. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I longed for his touch, but who in their right mind wouldn't? His fiery red hair, hazel eyes, and dashing charm was too hard to resist.

We stood next to the kitchen and the living room, our arms wrapped in each other's embrace, and our lips entangled. As good as this felt, I couldn't help but worry about someone rushing down the stairs and catching us. I pulled away and he frowned like a little child, making me laugh at the sight of him. "I don't want to be caught," I said, looking up into his dreamy eyes. "I want to actually tell people instead of them catching us in the act, it wouldn't feel right that way, if we were just caught, you know?" Fred thought about it for a moment, but finally agreed. 

"Well you're in luck because the boys and I are having a sleepover in Charlie's room. Charlie will undoubtedly gush over Paige tonight, and Ron probably won't stop talking about Hermione, and Harry never shuts up about Ginny anyways, but I could slip in a few details about us," so that's why he was getting ice cream from the kitchen! It honestly made sense, George and Bill had a thing for chocolate ice cream, it was kind of weird to be honest. Fred snapped me away from my thoughts, "Of course, only if you want me to. If you don't feel comfortable just yet then that's fine, I wouldn't want to rush you or anything," I nodded with a huge smile on my face, I had been waiting for this moment since I was sixteen years old. If I waited any longer, I'm sure I would burst. Fred smiled and hugged me tightly, causing me to blush ferociously. 

"Oh Freddie boy!" George, Ron, Charlie, Harry, Bill, and Percy came rushing downstairs. George saw Fred and I and he instantly stopped, causing Bill, Percy, and Charlie to bump into each other.

"Oi, mate! What the hell?" Percy grumbled from behind George, until his gaze landed directly on me, and then on Fred. "Ohh I see what's going on here," "Little boy Freddie finally worked up the balls," George finished. 

Fred looked at me with an embarrassed look on his face, and then turned back to look at his six brothers, "So what if I did," I could see another smirk appearing on his gorgeous face. "Now go upstairs the lot of you, I'll be up in a minute with your bloody ice cream. I have some unfinished business to attend to," the six boys ran upstairs, obviously knowing what Fred meant. Fred gave me one last passionate kiss before grabbing the tub of ice cream and whipped cream, and running up the stairs, almost crashing into Ginny and Hermione.

"What's up with him?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing," I said quickly. I couldn't wait to tell them, but I wanted to wait until we were in my room. Fleur and Paige finally came downstairs, and we disapparated a few minutes later into the living room of Johnson Manor. My parents were still talking with Molly and Arthur, a glimmer of excitement was strewn across my mother's and Molly's face. Based on their faces it was clear what they were talking about, but Arthur and my father could have cared less.

We hurried upstairs and slammed my bedroom door shut, the girls setting down their bags on the floor near the closet. Paige was the first to jump on my bed, leading a chain reaction. 

After a few seconds of silence, Paige was the first to speak up. "So, I have something I want to talk about. Or rather someone, if that's okay," she said in a small voice. Ginny and Hermione looked at me with grins on their face, undoubtedly knowing who she was referring to.

"Paige, of course you can talk about Charlie. Just spare me any gross and private details, I don't think I could handle them, not if they're about my bloody brother," Ginny started to make a puking motion, acting as dramatic as ever. Paige bursted in laughter, throwing her head back, which caused everyone else to giggle loudly. 

"Ok, ok I'll be sure not to mention anything too gross," Paige managed to get out in between fits of laughter. 

We all waited for her to continue, excited to hear all the details of what had happened between her and Charlie. But she didn't say anything.

"Well bloody hell Paige, are you going to tell us?!" Hermione squealed in excitement. 

Paige looked at all of us, our bodies huddled in a circle around my bed. With a mischievous smirk she said, "Only if everyone talks, I'm not going to be the only one, and that's for sure. And if you refuse, I have something for that," Paige pulled out a small vial of Veritaserum, and shook the clear liquid around.

We all looked at each other with grins, tonight was going to be exciting. 

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