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I slowly opened my eyes, squinting as the bright lights dashed across my face. I tried to sit up, but the immediate pain seared through my body and I let out a quiet groan in agony.


Someone familiar sounded from my right, although I didn't recognize who it came from until a few seconds later. I slowly turned my head to see Fred sitting in wooden chair that looked rather uncomfortable. "What was he doing here? Where was I?"

I stared blankly at him, looking at the strong features that splayed across his gorgeous face. He looked rather worried but relieved at the same time, which was an odd mixture of emotions.  After about a minute, I finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that occurred between us.

"Fred?" I said, my voice hoarse and raspy. "Where am I?"

Fred's face lit up when I spoke, a rush of relief and joy coursed through his face as he stared so intently at me.

"You're in the hospital, at St. Mungo's. You've been out for a couple of days, we weren't sure if you were going to make it because of the injuries that you sustained from the War," he spoke in a rather calm voice. "Your parents and sister are in the waiting room, I can bring them out if you want."

I took everything that he said in. St Mungo's? 'Wasn't sure if I was going to make it?' I had no idea how bad my injuries were, but I did know that they hurt like hell. I couldn't even move my torso comfortably without feeling jolts of pain. My head felt like it had been hit by a train, and my left leg was a little sore.

"Emma? Do you want me to go get them?" he asked again.

As much as I wanted to see my parents and my sister, I just wanted to stare at his beautiful face for a few more moments. He looked calm and peaceful, even with the deep gashes on his face. A few seconds later, I decided to answer his question.

"Yeah, could you go get them for me?" Fred started to leave right away, but before he was completely out of my view, I asked him if he would stay with me once he fetched my family. He nodded and left with a slight smile on his face, which melted my heart as quickly as ever.

After what felt like forever, Fred, my mum, my dad, and my sister came running into the room. They instantly wrapped me in to a group hug, my mum and sister sobbing into my neck. As much pain as I was in, it slowly started to subside as my family talked to me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two figures standing in the corner of the doorframe, their faces struck with worry and their eyes sunken - as if they haven't slept in days.

"Ginny! Hermione!" as soon as I yelled their names, they came running towards me. Hermione's face was dried with tears, and Ginny looked extremely relieved. A mere seconds later, I saw the entire Weasley family come rushing in with excitement. Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy, George, and Ron. Even Harry and Sirius made an appearance. I had never felt happier to see their faces then I had now.

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